Chapter 7: "'Shawn Mendes,' he blushes"

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"Hello," A guy waves at me as he enters the school doors. "I'm new here."

"Oh, you're the new guy. I'm your tour guide. Welcome to George Washington High School. I'm Emma Smith and you are?" I extend my hand to him.

"Shawn Mendes," he replies, blushes and shakes my hand. 

"Okay, Shawn, well, let's start with the tour. I'll show to get to the cafeteria."

"Yeah, wouldn't wanna get lost when I'm hungry."

I laugh.

"So, how is everyone here? Nice?" He asks.

"If I said no, you would become worried. If I said yes, I'd be lying. So, I'll just say 'nes'."

"'nes'?" He asks and chuckles. 

"'nes', yes and no mashed up: nes. Or maybe I should do it 'yo'. Oh wait..." I say realizing what I had said.

He laughs, "How about 'yeno'?" We both laugh really hard.

"Yeno it is!" I declare, chuckling. 

We arrive at the cafeteria.

"That's the cafeteria, where pizza happens," I say.

"What else do they serve?" He asks.

"Different menu every week," I read the menu written on the board next to the cafeteria doors, "This week they have: pizza with fries and coke, burger with curly fries and coke too, or chicken nuggets with potato wedges and juice."

"Can't we mix these up? Like, what if I wanted pizza with curly fries and juice."

"Nah, the plates are done a day in advance, sadly. But you CAN change your drink to water."

"Do they have desert?"

"Yup, this week it's: chocolate or/and vanilla ice cream or cake."

"Chocolate cake is my life," He comments. 

I laugh. "Me too!"

"So, who organizes the menu?" He asks. 

"Basically, in the student council, one is in charge of it. The person, which is Christy Sandie, talks to lunch ladies — there are four — and organizes the menu," I explain.

"Have you ever gotten the job?" He asks me. 

"Not really, I don't really like jobs like that. I was on the student council once — in charge of technical stuff."

"Like what?"

"Um, I would organize the school newspaper and magazine. Oh, and I would make sure if the sound system was okay whenever the principal, the vice principal or a teacher had to make an announcement. Stuff like that. We worked in teams."

"Oh, neat! What other jobs do you guys have?" 

I look at him. He is a very handsome guy.

"We have... the student body president! But someone already had the job..."

"Who is it?"

"Eddie Johnson, nice guy." Understatement of the year. He was the most generous, kind and warm-hearted guy you would ever meet, not even considering that he's drop-dead gorgeous!

"Sounds...I don't know what to respond to that, to be honest!" He laughs.

I laugh. "Let's continue our tour. Next stop, your locker! Hand me the file, so I can check you locker number."

"Here," he says giving me the brown file. I open it and stare at his locker number, mouth hanging open.

"What?" He asks.

"Your locker is the one right next to mine," I say, shocked.

What a coincidence!

He laughs. "Lucky me!"

I awkwardly laugh. "To the locker!"

I turn and he stops me. "Can you show me which cafeteria table you sit in, so I know where to find you when I need you?" He asks me.

My heart skips a beat. "Yeah," I answered managing to keep my voice calm, "come on."

Don't freak out, Emma. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

I show him the cafeteria tables: the middle one is for the jocks, the one glued to it is for the popular people who aren't jocks, one of the corner tables are for the goths, another is for the nerds, third corner for the geeks and fourth corner is for the shy kids. And some tables are for normal people. And I show him my table which I sit at with my best friends every single lunch hour.

"Dude," Shawn says as we leave the cafeteria. "People sure know how to split themselves. I thought that was only in movies!"

I laugh. "Ha, I wish! But that's how things are. If you don't know which table to sit in, just come to mine," I offer him. "You'll be welcomed."


"Anyway, to your locker!"

"To my locker!" He echoes. 

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