Chapter 15: Revealing Things

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I woke up alone in bed. Kim has probably eating breakfast. I get up and go downstairs. I ask my mom to call in sick for me. Luckily, she's on board with me skipping school to help Kim. Usually, she isn't.

"Emma!" Kim sees me talking to my mom in the living room. She walks over to me and hugs me. "Come on!" She is widely grinning. Weird, given what's happening.

We arrive to my room. Kim closes the door as I search for my phone. Where is it? And why do I feel as if I'm forgetting something?

"I know," she says, with a sad smile. Knows what? Knows where is my phone? Ugh, I'm so confused.

"Uh...what are you talking about?" I ask as I fidget around for my phone.

"You know, don't pretend," She says softly. WOULD YOU JUST TELL ME, WOMAN?

"I'm not," I turn to face her, "what's going on?"

She takes a deep breath, "The messages."

"What messages?" I ask then it all comes to me. The hater message I got. That's what she is talking about. Of course! I laugh in realization, "Right, the message." I shake my head as I laugh. She was making too big of a deal.

"Why are you laughing?" She frowns.

"I don't care about what the message said! I don't care if someone is jealous of my friendship with Shawn. It's their problem, not mine," I cross my arms.

"Right..." She nods, not meeting my eyes. Weird. "No need to make a big deal about it." She takes a deep breathe and leaves the room.

"Do you at least know where my phone is?" I call out after her.


I sigh and open my laptop. I open up my emails. Our English teacher, Miss Maya, has sent the feedback of my essay. I hesitantly open the email. What if she didn't like it? What if I got a low grade? I love English, and I would kill myself if I didn't get a good grade on that particular subject. We had to write an argument about a cause. I wrote about how kids today spend to much time online instead of outside. I know, lame! But I didn't find any subject that I could enjoy writing about! I know a few people who need to be reminded that your phone isn't supposed to be the center of your universe.

The email reads:

Dear Miss Smith,

I have read your English homework essay 'Technology and People'.

It's a good essay, but you didn't defend your statement enough. Adding facts that help your stand would greatly help. Also, it feels like your talking about specific people you know and this isn't very helping to your cause.

If the listener/reader feels like you're talking to specific people you know, he or she won't really take all of this seriously.

Edit it more by adding facts and talking to an audience and not a group of people.

I know your a great student and is capable of more which is why I won't grade this. I'm giving you a chance to edit this argument and make it more convincing.

I can only extend the deadlines to five more days. Please send it on time, and if you don't desire to, tell me so I can grade your original essay.


Your English teacher,

Miss Maya.

I knew my essay wasn't the best I ever wrote, but I didn't know it was that bad.

I understand what she is telling me: when I was writing this essay, I was talking to Sarah and Chloe more than actually writing it, you know?

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