Chapter 26: A Reunion

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Romance movie much?

Everything dawns on me all of a second. Eddie. Bryn. Carole. Kim.

I pull back suddenly, surprised by my own move. I can't do this with Shawn right now. I don't want my heart broken again, while it is still healing.

"I'm sorry Shawn," I say, shaking my head. "I can't do this." I sprint out of the park like dear life depended on it because it kinda did.

I keep running and running and running. I always found running soothing. It feels like I'm the wind, you know? Like I can carry myself and I have no idea where I'm going. I don't know what I'm doing. Everything is a blur. I am a blur. I am the wind. I realize I am full out sobbing as I sprint into circles around the same area.

The streets are almost empty, except for a few cars here and there. It's odd, for New York to be like this: empty. It's the city that's always full of life, full of action. 

I suddenly bump into someone and find myself on the ground. "I am so sorry, miss," A man apologizes, extending his hand to help me up.

If I take it, will he rape me?

I watch way too many movies.

After half-a-second of hesitating, I take his hand and he helps me up. He is wearing a suit and has an umbrella in his hand. He looks like a business man.

He also looks so damn familiar. Who is that guy? Do I know him?

"No, I'm sorry," I choke out. Why is my voice like this? Is it a symptom of pneumonia or something?

Don't tell me I'm getting pneumonia!

"Well, you did fully run into me, so apology accepted," He chuckles, and I manage to chuckle, but I do it very awkwardly.

Please don't rape me.

"Are you okay?" He frowns, looking at me.

"Yup," I nod. "Um...Do I know you from somewhere?" I awkwardly blurt.

Great, Emma, now he is totally gonna rape you.

"Uh..." He rubs his neck. "First of all, aren't you freezing in the rain? Step closer." He extends his umbrella and I step into it. I just realize I am soaking wet from head to toe which is normal considering I was running in the rain. 

Way to go, Emma! Hint of sarcasm there, buddy.

"What's your name?" He frowns.

"Emma Smith," I say, sniffing a bit.

His face immediately drops, like he just watched a man being killed or a bomb exploding. He looks at me now, excitement in his eyes, and my fear of being raped grows. "Oh my gosh...Emma, I'm...I am Kim Somey's dad."

And there disappears my fear of rape.


I almost faint. "What?!" I croak out. "No way! No way! No way!" I scream, freaking out.

"I...let's go to your house," He says.

"No," I say, very stubbornly, "How are you Kim's dad, Mr. Somey?"

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