The End

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1 year later

I shove popcorn in my mouth as Shawn pulls me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head, and a small smile curves my lips. I love being cuddled like that. Especially by him.

I watch as Harry, Hermione and Ron drink a potion in a girls' bathroom, and may I add, if we had a bathroom like this at our school, it would be hella dope. Except for the Moaning-Myrtle-living-there part.

You might have guessed if you're a potterhead, but we're watching Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets.

Guess who finally got into Harry Potter?

"What do you prefer?" Shawn asks suddenly, "Ginny and Harry, or Hermione and Harry? Hinny or Harmione?"

I look up to him and grin. "Ginny and Harry. Hinny."


"Because you gave me the code name Ginny when I first met you," I gently press my lips to his and envelop him in a passionate kiss.

"Besides," I say when we break apart. "Hermione and Ron rock." Shawn chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"You know what?" He says, after some time. "Today, we're going to dinner together."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I playfully ask, already aware of the answer.

"I think I am," He smiles.

"Well, we should really pass by the park," I comment.

"After dinner."

"Of course."


Dinner was amazing. Per usual.

I feel like every single minute I am with Shawn, the second is just more and more exciting.

He's such an amazing boyfriend. I just can't imagine my life without him.

As promised, he takes me to the park after dinner.

"I feel like every time Voldemort looked at a human, he wondered about their nose," Shawn says, sitting on a bench.

"Well, he was in human form once, too," I answer. "So I think he knows one or two things about that."

"Why didn't he just...keep his nose?" Shawn asks. I sit beside him and he put his arm around me.

"For the same reason he has no hair!" I exclaim, Plus, he wanted to look like a snake. I mean, in the book, JK Rowling described him snake-like. I don't think snakes have noses, or maybe they do."

Note to self: Look up if snakes have noses or not.

"Why doesn't he have hair again?" Shawn asks.

I shake my head, exasperated. "So no one can use the Polyjuice Potion! If he had a nose, he would have nose hairs. One of the main ingredients of the Polyjuice Potion is hair. Therefore, someone could take his nose hairs instead of the hair on his head! As if someone would be so desperate as to search in his nose," I snort.

"Oh gosh... I never thought about that," He looks at me as if I just figured out the meaning of life.

Silence. But it isn't awkward.

Since we're kissing.

We break apart, and I get up from the bench. I walk over to the pond in front of us. "Remember when like, two years ago Eddie broke my heart? And like I was in depression and whatever?" I ask Shawn, kicking a small pebble into the pond.

To Where Destiny Leads Us//SMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang