Chapter 16: It's Getting Complicated

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Hey guys! Hope your enjoying the story! I'm trying to upload every 5 or 6 days. Hopefully I'll stick to this!

Please tell me what you think of my story in the comments! Your opinion matters so much to me! 

And maybe you might wanna vote? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to...

Anyway, enjoy!

Author, J


I felt a knot form in my stomach. Everything was spinning. I held my locker door for balance.

"Emma!" I heard Sarah call, but her voice sounded so distant. She called again and again. I felt myself being shook. Everything was turning black—

I felt cold water hit my face, and I quickly came back to my senses. "Oh my gosh..." I muttered.

"OMG, I didn't know that would work," Sarah laughed, she was holding a water bottle.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You were on the verge of fainting, so I threw some drops of water on you," Sarah explains.

"Oh, thanks..."

"To be honest I didn't think it would work, but I had to try!" There is pained smile on her face. "You okay?" She puts her water bottle back in her bag then looks at me with concerned eyes.

"I'm..." I shake my head. "Where is that posted?" I ask.

"On the school's unofficial Facebook page."

"Oh," I look around, "has the bell rang?"


"We should probably get to class," I turn to close my locker door.

"Nope, you and I have to have a long talk young lady," Sarah closes my locker door and yanks me by the arm.

"So we are skipping class?" I asked.



Sarah leads me to the forest behind the school. We sit under two giant trees. No one else is here other than us, but on the way, I got a few dirty glances from students going to class.

"Emma," Sarah said her voice soft. I looked at her. She had a huge concerned face on, "are you ok?"

"Yeah," I answer plainly.

"Emma, you're being so dry about this. Its like you have no emotions," I hear Sarah say.

"No emotions..." I echo, nodding my head.

"Look, we can talk to someone. This is serious."

"This is serious..."

"And if you have to take a break from school, do it."

"Do it..."

"Would you stop that?" Sarah says very irritated.

"That..." I feel the world spinning again. I hear voices and more voices, but they're so distant, and suddenly, everything was black.


I wake up in a bed in the nurse's office. Sarah is sitting on the edge of the bed and the nurse if standing to my right.

"She's awake!" I hear Sarah squeal.

"How are you feeling, Miss Smith?" Asks the nurse.

"I'm...I'm..." I can't muster any words, and I burst into tears.

To Where Destiny Leads Us//SMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang