Chapter 12: New Friend Group?

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The rest of the day was pretty much like Geography:

People screaming, Shawn terrified, people running after Shawn, Shawn running away from people...

Even Mrs. Cole, a teacher in her 20's, jumped at the sight of Shawn. She had to recollect herself before starting the class.


The only moment Shawn and I could actually talk like normal human being without a mob chasing him was in the janitor's closet at lunchtime!

Yes, I was in a closet with Shawn Mendes.

I haven't seen my friends Sarah and Chloe today! Ugh, I miss them.

They're kinda going to be mad at me, but they'll forgive once they know it's Shawn Mendes. Right?

I sure hope so...

Right now I'm at my locker, organizing it. And by that I mean removing all Shawn pictures so I don't look like a damn stalker. They are at the back of my locker, Shawn didn't see them earlier because he didn't look closely, but I'm not taking this risk.

Being friends with Shawn is amazing. Not because he's a celebrity, not at all! I would feel so damn bad if he ever thought that. He is amazing. Honestly, it doesn't matter whether he is famous or no anymore, he could be a stuck-up jerk! But he's not, he's sweet, kind and sensitive. He makes Harry Potter references every time I talk to him making ME want to watch Harry Potter.

"Hey Emma," Says a female voice breaking me from my reverie. I look up to see Carole. What does she want?!

"Er...hey," I say awkwardly turning my attention back to my locker.

"So...I saw you hitting it off with Shawn..." She says with a wide grin. So that's what she wants! Of course, what else!

I swallow and ask, "Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but what's your name?" I try to ask politely turning my attention to her. Honestly, I'm not sure her name is Carole.

Oh who am I kidding? Of course I'm sure!

I see her take a deep breath and answer, "Er, my name is Carole, Carole Janesson. But you can totally call me Care!" Er...ok?

"Oh, I like your name," I smile sweetly. I have no intentions of making a new friend, but I'm a nice person. I'm not going to be a b*tch to her, even though I know that all she wants is to be close to Shawn.

She giggles, "Thank you! You're so sweet!" I smile. She continues, "So...I know we haven't exactly been...close, in the past. But I've been watching you and I actually think you're a nice person. Wanna be friends?"

Is she kidding me?! 'haven't been exactly close' ?! We haven't even talked! I think you have to talk first to not be exactly close, right?

Even though I'm hating her right now, and know exactly why she's doing this (what a snake), I smile nicely and nod, "Sure."

"Yayzies!" She exclaims and I think, oh God. "Come on I have to introduce you to my clique!" She said 'clique', didn't she?

I internally roll my eyes as she drags me by the arm. I close my locker door shut and follow her. Yes, she's still holding my arm.

"Hey girls!" She exclaims. There are like eight girls in front of me right now. What the hell that's her 'clique'?! I thought 'cliques' were supposed to be like 4-5 girls max. I didn't know they would be nearly 10 people. Well, I gotta stop thinking, I guess.

"OMG hey Care!" They all exclaim. "OMG! Emma, hi!" Why do they all suddenly know my name? Am I suddenly popular or something?

I don't want to be popular!

"Hey, girls," I say with an awkward smile.

"Let's introduce her to her new BFFs guys!" States 'Care'. What the hell?! 'New BFFs'?!

Do people say BFF anymore anyway?

"Yes!" Says a girl. It's the same girl who was talking to Care in Geography class, after they saw Shawn.

"I'm Anna!" She says taking my hand and pointing me to girls, "That's Rhea," She says pointing to a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. Rhea smiles at me, "that's Bryn" she says pointing to a shy but very pretty girl who has green eyes and blonde hair and Anna goes on and on.

All I get:

1. Anna

2. Rhea

3. Carole

4. Bryn

5. Emily

6. Kay

But I dunno anyone else, which means I dunno like, 3 people.

I have a very bad memory. I once read in a book (The Choice by Nicholas Sparks) about a memory trick: you memorize everyone by comparing them to a celebrity.

Example: Shawn Mendes looks like Shawn Mendes.

I hate them all already. Except for that girl, Bryn, she looks nice, I guess, but I kinda dislike her too.

My phone buzzes and I check my texts, it's from my mom.

Mom: Don't be late today!

Emma: I won't . Why, though?

Mom: Surprise ;)

Emma: Um... okay.

When I look up I see everyone staring at me. I stare back, speechless.

"Were you texting Shawn Mendes?" Asks Anna. Oh, that's what this is about, obviously.

"," I answer. The girls start eyeing me all weirdly.

What. The. Hell?!

I hear the bell and sigh with relief as I turn and walk away.

"Wait!" I hear Bryn call behind me. I turn and see her waving her friends away and heading towards me.

Please don't follow me.

"Yeah?" I ask, wanting her to go away.

"I'm sorry," She suddenly states.

Er...ok? Instead I ask, "For what?"

"All they want is to get close to Shawn Mendes. That's why they're suddenly your 'BFFs'" she does air quotes when she says the word BFF. "I dunno if you realized it. Anyway, I'm saying sorry 'cause my friends got you into this mess."

"You don't seem like them," I admit, "how are you guys friends?"

"Well, let me just state that the true best friends in this whole group are Kay, Anna, Rhea and I. The rest is more good friend than best friend, you know what I mean."

"Yeah..." I trail off. Then I quickly add, "Wait, Carole isn't one of the close?"

"Not really... She's more the one who gets everyone into the group and 'raises'" air quotes, again "our popularity. But the original people are Anna, Kay, Rhea and I."

"Wow, honestly when I first saw all of you guys, I thought that surely you all aren't so close. I mean, you're nine people!"

She laughs, "I know. I keep telling Anna — since people think she's the one in charge, which is kinda true — but she says it's for the greater good, whatever that means."

I laughed, "What do you have right now?" I ask.

"I'm free!" She exclaims.

"Oh my gosh, me too!" I laugh.

"Yay, now we can bond!" Bryn smiles.

She's really nice, you know.

"So, your advice is not to get too close because they will all dump me as soon as Shawn becomes one of their boyfriends?"

"Er... not exactly! Actually, yeah, exactly! Please don't tell them I said that, they would eat me alive!" She jokes.

"Don't worry," I laugh. 

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