Love Like An Original Chapter 6

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 The tempting smell of eggs, bacon and pancakes woke me up the next morning much to my dismay.

I reluctantly stepped out of bed stepping into my fluffy slippers and stomping downstairs.

I knew without having to look that my nose was red, my eyes sore and puffy from the amount of crying I had done last night.

I just really didn't care at the moment. I was so confused over Stefan and Damon and my whole life right now.

Even Matt was confusing me; he's my best friend but at times I always wonder why I couldn't just like him. Then I think I do like him but then ice blue eyes pop into my head and the idea of being involved with Matt is dismissed easily.

Making my way into the kitchen I avoided eye contact with my dad and sat silently eating.

After a while of awkward silences dad finally spoke up trying to act as normal as possible for me.

"Morning sweetheart. What's your plans for today?" He asked cautiously but with a warm smile.

I glanced up quickly a small smile appearing on my face at his attempt.

"Nothing really...Might go and see Matt later. You?"

Dad shrugged, sipping at his coffee before answering.

"Work. Boring but essential." He chuckled making me giggle a bit.

If there was one person that could cheer me up and I could always count on it was my daddy.

Frantic knocking at the door made our bonding session end as we both glanced questioningly at each other.

"Should I..." Dad trailed off not sure what form of action to take.

I shook my head slowly, standing up from the counter.

"I'll get it." I whispered already walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

I reached the door far too quickly and the quick beating of my heart wasn't helping my situation at the moment.

Taking a deep breathe I slowly opened the door immediately seeing the saddened face of the one person I really didn't want to see for a long, long time.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly, I just couldn't be bothered with trying to act strong when I obviously wasn't.

What he had done hurt. I wasn't completely sure of the actual events but what I overheard was enough to make me question him and to make my heart break just a little bit at the thought that everything we had was a complete load of bull to him.

"Please. Please let me explain Tori!" He begged, hands clasped in front of him as his eyes pleaded with me to let him talk.

I sighed before walking outside and closing the door softly behind me.

"Talk then."

Damon's shoulders sagged in relief before they tensed up again apparently realising his current position and the explaining he wanted to do.

"What you think you overheard between Elena and I wasn't true!" He stated, a tone of desperation entering his voice.

I winced at the mention of her name and looked down at the floor unwilling to show the sadness that I knew would be visible in my eyes.

"I can't believe that though Damon. You were using me to get her jealous..." I whispered, trailing off as reality bitch slapped me in the face.

Who was I kidding to think that a God like Damon would ever want little old me. I was so stupid...

Love Like An Original (ON HOLD For DHMH Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now