Love Like An Original Chapter 12

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 The first thing that people recognise when they wake up are noises. At the moment that was all I could hear, mumbling voices around me discussing something most likely to do with me as I was quickly finding out from experience. 

Fluttering open my eyes began to focus on the plush leather couch cushion in front of me. I could still feel the discreet heat from the fire so I knew I wasn’t completely away from it. I had an idea that this was Damon’s doing placing me facing away from the fire rather than towards it. Smart boy.

“Have you ever seen something like that before? I mean she completely spaced out and it looked like the fire had literally hypnotised her!” Matt’s voice floated towards me, nothing but worry and concern lacing his voice.

I could just imagine Damon doing something so very Damon-like. Shaking his head maybe, or maybe even rolling those perfect blue eyes of his.

“No Matt, we haven’t seen anything like that before. We should keep her away from it though, just in case she has another episode and were not there fast enough…” Stefan trailed off, probably taking a sip of bourbon if the lingering smell was anything to go by.

What I saw was so, so vivid! It was as if I was actually there, right in that dark place surrounded by the cries of pain and anguish. Things like that, visions, have never happened to me before, it was scary to think that straight after finding out my ex-boyfriend is a vampire I start having these weird visions that nobody can explain.

People like to think I’m tough when it comes to hard situations but really, honestly underneath my tough guy attitude I’m scared! I’m so, so scared but with the life I’ve managed to get myself into I can’t afford to be.

So I hide it.

And I hate that I have to hide my true feelings but if I showed even a miniscule piece of my fear, the world that Matt lives in, Damon, Stefan even Elena lives in, would eat me up alive and I can’t have that because my actions not only affect me but those around me.

I will not cause the people I care about pain so that I can have it easy. That’s one thing I just would not do no matter what.

Everyone was worrying about the fact that I literally almost let myself get my face burnt off which meant that nobody knew what I had gone through mentally, which brought me to the question; should I tell them?

If I did then they would worry over me even more, I mean it’s not like it was a happy vision of rainbows and unicorns. This was dark, evil something that no human should have to go through no matter what situation they’re in.

If I didn’t though, well that would just be a classic movie mistake. When the girl has a pretty serious problem but then decides to try and sort it out herself but all that happens is that it comes back to bite her in the ass.

Yeah, I didn’t want to be that girl but I didn’t want to worry all of my friends.

Why did it feel as if my life just got a whole lot more complicated?! Oh, that’s because it did.

The noise around me seemed to have decreased by quite a bit from when I first woke up and I was quickly growing tired of lying and pretending to be asleep even though I’m pretty sure they all knew I wasn’t asleep anymore.

Sitting up from my position on the couch any talking that had still be going on halted and every pair of eyes in the room turned to look at me.

Turning around so I wasn’t facing the couch anymore my eyes landed on the fire again and the heat from it seemed to ignite the room and make it just that little bit hotter even from the distance I was sat at.

Love Like An Original (ON HOLD For DHMH Sequel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ