Love Like An Original Chapter 10

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"Explain. Now." I demanded with a confused frown on my face.

Elijah immediately stiffened, not expecting his 'compel' thing to not work. Well, buddy it didn't.

"It didn't work? That's not possible. You're human, it should work perfectly fine..." He mumbled to himself all the while staring at me as if i'd magically grown a second pair of boobs.

"Tori, you're human correct?" Elijah finally decided to ask me this time, rather than himself.

Nodding slowly I stared at him like he were a mental patient.

"As far as i'm concerned yes, I am human Elijah. Can you just explain what the hell is going on now?!" I pleaded. I know I sounded desperate but at this moment in time I was.

Everyone has been hiding something from me; Damon, Matt, Stefan, everyone and I am really sick of it as of now.

Sighing, Elijah turned away from me slightly before I saw his shoulders slump in defeat. 

That alone told me that I was finally going to get some answers and I couldn't be happier.

Turning to face me head on again Elijah began his speech.

"This is going to sound completely crazy to you but you wanted to know and I have to ask you to listen to all that I have to say and consider it completely. Don't rule everything out until I've completely finished okay?" He asked seriously, not a hint of teasing or humour in any part of his expression.

Nodding solemnly I promised to hear out his story no matter how absurd or crazy it may be.

"I'm a vampire. From the original family of vampires. Nearly everyone you've associated with is either a vampire, werewolf or if unlucky, a hybrid. My family consists of my brothers Klaus, Kol, Finn and Henrik. I have sister named Rebekah who I don't speak to much, only when needed. My mother and father were called Esther and Mikael. My mother was a witch, the original witch, who turned us into vampires after Henrik's tragic death by werewolves." He paused in obvious pain at the recognition of his little brothers death.

I sat deliberating what he was saying, asking myself if I really believed I was sat in the presence of a 'vampire' and an original one at that. 

The thing that stuck out to me though was the fact that he said everyone I've associated with is either vampire, werewolf or hybrid.

"Wait! Does that mean Damon and Stefan are vampires? And Matt?" I asked incredulously. How had I never thought of that before?! It seemed almost painfully obvious now that I've been told about these inhumane creatures.

Elijah nodded slowly. "Damon, Stefan, Elena. But no not Matt, he's human. Caroline, the blond is also a vampire. Bonnie though, is a witch. Powerful, descended from the line of Bennett witches." 

A hysterical laugh bubbled out of me at the fact that everyone but Matt had lied to my face about what they were. Not that I could blame them, me and the girls never really got off to a good first start.

"What are 'hybrids'?" I asked curiously. They seemed different to vampires and werewolves and I was curious to know what they were exactly.

A disgusted grunt came out of Elijah's perfectly formed lips before a frown took it's place.

"Hybrid's are a twist of human nature. Inhumane to even vampires and werewolves, they defy the very being of nature and all it's elements. They're a mix between vampires and werewolves." He stated bitterly.

I could see that this was a touchy subject for him but quite frankly I was too interested to stop my questioning now.

Strangely enough I believed every word that he'd spoken to me in the past ten minutes, it's like there was not one part of me that was doubting his sanity, mine maybe, but his, no.

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