Love Like An Original Chapter 11

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After my slight break down the night before, Matt had decided that driving to the Boarding House to speak with the Salvatore brothers would be a good idea.

I was completely against this but of course I apparently had absolutely no say in the matter which is how I found myself in the passenger seat of my own car approaching the house I genuinely never wanted to see again in my life.

When we did finally arrive at the boarding house, Matt swiftly turned off the engine shooting an encouraging smile at me before stepping out of the car and walking towards the front door.

“Here goes nothing.” I breathed to myself unbuckling my seat-belt and moving to follow him.

We didn’t bother knocking; barely sparing a thought before walking in and towards the living room hearing a discussion that was apparently not for us to hear if the deathly silence was anything to go by at our appearance.

“Hi.” I mumbled looking anywhere but at the brothers and well, Elena.

It was just so typical of her to be here, I mean she is everywhere to begin with so I guess I shouldn’t have really been that surprised.

“Tori? Matt?” Elena questioned a small frown on her annoyingly beautiful face.

“What are you two doing here? Is something wrong?” Damon asked, cautiously moving towards me before I shot him a look that pretty much said ‘stay where you are or else’, needless to say he listened.

“Yeah, we just wanted to come by and err, yeah.” Matt started, fumbling over his words before looking at me to continue.

With a sigh I looked up at the three vampires in front of me, that’s right I also knew Elena was a vampire, Matt had filled me in this morning before we left the house and again I wasn’t that surprised, no one is that beautiful with it being inhuman, you know?

“Well...basically, long story short and all, I know your all vampires. So, yeah...” I trailed off awkwardly.

In case you hadn’t noticed I’m not good at breaking the ice and well telling my ex-boyfriend I know he drinks human blood as a diet. Not something I’ve ever had to really do.

Before I could even move Damon was in front of me gripping tightly onto my shoulders making me wince slightly, in pain. His grip loosened as an apologetic smile came on his face before it was back to the serious frown he wore before.

“What do you mean you know? Did he tell you?” He growled inclining his head towards where Matt was stood next to Elena. When he moved there I have no idea.

Frantically shaking my head I looked up at him from beneath my eyelashes, something he could never resist when we were together.

“Elijah told me when he, err, saved me from one of Klaus’ hybrids. It’s a long story but when he tried to compel me to forget he couldn’t. It wasn’t his fault or Matt’s, I just can’t be compelled.” I rambled on quickly trying to get through to him that Matt had nothing to do with it apart from filling in the details that I was lacking.

A low growl escaped from his throat as it seemed he only took in the fact that a hybrid attacked me.

“I’m going to kill that bastard.” He growled again, it seemed he wasn’t breaking out of the growling phase any time soon.

Damon pulled me into a tight hug, surprising me by the intensity of it, before I wrapped my arms around him because as much as I try to deny it, I missed him, so much more than I thought I would.

Pulling back, Damon stared into my eyes not blinking.

“You’re going to forget everything that Elijah told you, turn around and walk outside.” He spoke in the most alluring voice ever making me actually want to do what he said before common sense caught up with me.

Love Like An Original (ON HOLD For DHMH Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now