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lane: i just failed a final im gonna cry

wes: aw don't cry it's ok atleast you're still in high school

tina: what class?

lane: hilarious wes im laughing and ap physics

tina: yikes I passed on that class

wes: im just a funny dude

sam: ooh I took that class and barely passed the final

christun: what?? how?? we facetimed for hours studying those flashcards :/

lane: idk i literally forgot everything while I was staring at the paper so yes this is great

enya: hey on the bright side I'm almost ready to give you your first Spanish lesson

lane: ooh my body and mind are ready for your bilingual words

chody: how come I didn't get a Spanish lesson ::::////

enya: you took Spanish in high school herbinko you would know how to speak it if you actually listened :-)

chody: sam was in my Spanish I was 2 focused on her

lane: aw s'cute

sam: 😙

wes: im excited for the show tonight

lane: good luck guys you're gonna kill it. wish I was there to watch /:

christun: soon laney :(

lane: wes your Instagram is so aesthetically pleasing to me

wes: its cause im sexy

lane: yes that's most definitely why

tina: i ship it #lesley

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