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We all decided to pile into one room and have a movie night to celebrate me hopefully joining the tour.
I laid in one bed next to Tina and Christian, wes laid on top of my legs.
Sam, cody, enya, and drew laid on the other bed, Mike at the end.
After about an hour of the movie, I got bored.
With his permission, I grabbed wes' phone and decided to scroll through his photos.
I was about halfway through when a text popped up from 'Kayliah 😊'
"I can't wait to see you 😊💖"
My heart dropped. Do I look at their conversation? I decided to just lock his phone and put it back where I found it.
My mood was ruined. I have come to realize that I do like wes.
But he clearly has his eye on someone else.
Once the movie was over, everyone started to go back to their own rooms. Wes wouldn't budge.
"Cmon Wesley you have to go." I stood at the end of the bed, arms crossed.
"But I wanna stay here with you." He pouted.
"Why don't you ask kayliah to sleep with you?"
Oh shit. I didn't mean for that to slip.
He sat up immediately.
"What?" He seemed dumbfounded.
"You're clearly very excited to meet her aren't you? Why don't you ask her to stay with you?" I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Well, you see, before I met you I knew her. We were close on the last tour. Yeah I liked her but I'm not so sure anymore." He sat next to me.
"You clearly do still have feelings for her wes." I put my hands in my lap and played with my fingers.
"Yeah I do." He hesitated.
My heart literally shattered and I struggled not to cry.
"You should go." I scratched the back of my neck out of nervousness.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He didn't wait for a response before he left.
As soon as the door clicked shut I broke into tears. I let out a series of ugly sobs and I threw stuff at the walls. I didn't wanna be on the tour. I just wanted to go home.

When I finally calmed down I heard a knock on the door. I hesitantly answered it.
"Hey, I heard banging. Are you okay?" It was cody. He looked tired and I feared that me throwing things woke him.
My lip started to quiver and I couldn't  hold back my tears. Cody quickly pushed me inside the hotel room and closed the door behind him, pulling me into a hug.
"Hey hey talk to me, what's going on."
I broke the hug and wiped my eyes.
"Wes told me he likes this girl named kayliah. I think she's coming to visit him." I sniffled.
"What? When did he tell you this?" He seemed to be in some sort of shock.
"Like an hour ago."
"I'm sorry babes. I don't know what's wrong with him you're way better than her."  He smiled at me and I faked one back. I just wanted to sleep.

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