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today, we all were going out to breakfast. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay underneath my covers and cry.
I pried myself out of bed, brushing my teeth and taking a fast shower.
I didn't bother to cover the tear stains on my face with makeup. I put my long hair up into a messy ponytail and kept on my grey sweats and my UCLA sweatshirt. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses to hide my red eyes.
I met the rest of the crew downstairs, I couldn't spot wes.
"Hey, you okay?" Cody pulled me to the side and asked.
I lifted my sunglasses, "do I look okay to you." I said straight faced.
"Holy fuck lane, I don't think you should come with us." He tried to block my view of the rest of the group.
"Why-" I answered my own question when I saw her. Kayliah. She was strapped to wes like a Siamese twin.
I looked down and pinched the bridge of my nose, pushing the tears back in my eyes.
"I'll be fine cody." I mumbled, all eyes on me as I walked by everyone, slamming the glass hotel doors behind me as I left.
I stood outside, arms crossed like a child. I knew I was being childish but I couldn't help it. I honestly thought Wes felt something for me.
I jumped as I felt strong arms wrap around my back.
"What's wrong love." Wes said to me, rocking me side to side playfully.
"Not in the mood." I untangled myself from his arms and returned to my childish stance.
"Cmon lane, you're my best friend. Tell me please." He pulled my sunglasses off my face and frowned, rubbing his thumbs over my raw tear stained cheeks.
"It's not important." I grabbed his hands and pulled them off my face, putting my sunglasses back on.
"Well, you should get to know Kay, she's really sweet."
I lightly nodded, my glare still locked on the pavement under me.
Wes sighed, scratching his neck nervously and returning back inside.
The worst part about it was I was happy, I was confident in myself for once and now that's all ruined. I'm back to the insecure Lane Brooks I always was. Insecure Lane pushed everyone away, even Christian at one time in my life.
The next person that joined me was Christian, but he didn't say anything, he just stood there and held me. I needed it.
"You know I love you right?" He said, placing his chin on my head.
"I know." I wrapped my hands up in his shirt and sighed.
"Cody told me what happened, said it was my duty to come out here and cheer you up." He pulled away and grabbed my hands, intertwining them with his own.
I nodded again, when I'm sad I'm not very talkative, clearly.
"Hey, you're gonna get through this, I know you will. You're the strongest person I've ever met." He licked my cheek and I squealed
"Christian you're nasty!" I frantically wiped at my cheek, laughing.
"There's that beautiful smile." He pulled out his phone and snap chatted a picture of me smiling at the camera.
"Cmon lets go." I said, getting into the black car that pulled up.

We all decided to go to Denny's, pulling up four long tables next to each other. I sat next to Christian and Enya, drew and Cody across from me. For the first time today I forgot about Wes.

The NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora