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Hello. I know we just met, but I need to tell you this before we become well known of eachother. I am an anthro, short for anthropomorphic, which means having human traits or forms. This means I'm unlike you in some ways.

First of all, I never started out being human.

Second, I'm half human, but have never acted like one.

Third, I protect humans from a secret branch in the government called the Animal Human Scientist Institute. (AHSI)

You've probably only heard of us from comic books full of illustrated pictures of animals that have the bodies of humans but the feet, hands, tails, and faces of animals. Let me just tellyou now, those comics are fake. Scientists who've dreamed of creating a stable anthro draw us from their imaginations. I should really be called a shape shifter, but I'm instead called an Anthro because of the AHSI. They captured me when I had finally grown out of suckling and into teen hood, injected me with a mysterious liquid they created out of human genes and animal genes, and when I wake up, I have fingers and toes.

You might as well forget everything you know about the government, because they're liars, and after I and my friends (whom are also anthros) conquer the AHSI, we're showing every human what the AHSI has done to poor animals.

If I've scared you, don't read on. You may not like what my journey is like up ahead.

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