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Phoenix is already past the group, flying in circles over the white house. The bodies of the three scientists were gone, but if that wasn't obvious enough, two gaurds with rifles stood at the front gates. Both kept their eyes on the roads.

'Keep to the trees.' She messages everyone.

Finally Phoenix saw Tiger emerge from a bush. Only his front paws could be seen. The gaurds didn't notice. He could easily knock one out if it weren't for his wound, so he was just for back up reasons. Rabbit appeared next and she quickly goes into attack mode, going straight for the largest man like a jet, using the ground like a back spring and jumping twelve feet in the air and coming down with an ear in her mouth. She trips up the other man by jumping between his legs and when he falls she bites his nose hard and then goes back to the first man.

Phoenix nose dives and rakes her talons down the man with the broken nose, then sets his suit aflame. Wolf jumps in at this moment, lunging at the man with one ear once Rabbit jumps away and rips at his cheek, creating a huge gash on his face and claw marks on his chest. Both men could not reach their weapons and it only made Phoenix feel more proud.

Suddenly the white house doors open and hundreds of scientists come out shooting nets into the air from their guns. Realizing with fear, they were after her, Phoenix flys as high as she can go and sighs in relief when she sees the scientist give up trying to catch her. Wolf had finally attacked a scientist, but then two others shot him with a net, capturing him. If the gang didn't act quick, Wolf would become dog meat, literally.

Rabbit was jumping around everywhere, knocking scientists down until a net caught her too. As Phoenix nose dived to get closer she spots Tiger leaving his spot and attacking scientists. They were outnumbered as as seconds ticked another scientist got him too with a net. Phoenix watched in horror as her friends were slowly dragged back toward the white house.

'These nets aren't made of rope, came everyone's reply to Phoenix who could do nothing but watch her friends disappear inside, 'Don't worry, we'll find a way.'

"SCREEEEEEEECH!" Phoenix roared, her voice blasting, and catching some scientist's attention.

'Don't take my friends!' Phoenix thought to one scientist, but it didn't budge.

'Phoenix, came Tiger's soft weak voice, 'We will meet again.'

'Don't leave.' Was all she could think to say. Just as her friend's minds strayed too far, Phoenix sent the message, 'I love you.' But it was too late.

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