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The whole gang stands in the living room. Phoenix had just finished telling Rabbit and Wolf about the scientists getting closer to their hideout.

"We need to go knock their brains out, if they even have one." Rabbit says, thumping her furry foot impatiently.

"Maybe its a trap. We should attack them strategetically." Wolf says.

"Like drop a bomb on them?" Rabbit asks.

"Bingo." Wolf says.

"Tiger, get the grenades." Rabbit instructs.

Tiger is back in a matter of minutes holding belts of grenades. He gives each anthro a belt and at the same time everyone straps it on their waist. These belts would shrink or grow to any anthro size, yet the grenade still explodes the same as any one would.

Rabbit transforms and imeddiately her belt shrinks with her. She's a white rabbit with blue eyes. She leaves out the front door like the speed of light. Wolf and Tiger follow her, already transforming on their way out. Phoenix goes to the porch and jumps, transforming in the air.

Flying high above the tree, she spots the AHSI only a mile away. As she hovers above them, circling the group of scientist trucks, she spots Rabbit bounding toward them.

'We throw them and run.' Rabbit messages everyone.

'Throw yours last, Phoenix, so we don't explode too.' Wolf sends me.

So, I wait. Flying all around, I watch the scientists. I only see drivers and passengers. Some are wearing weapons like guns and net shooters. So, they're expecting us, She thinks to herself.

Suddenly trucks are exploding, chunks blasting up into the air. Phoenix swoops upward, dodging atleast five different chunks.

Scientists are spilling out of the crashed trucks, shooting their guns. The Anthros dodge every bullet. Another grenade explodes. Scientists go flying. They keep shooting. Two other grenades go off, hitting two incoming scientist trucks. There's about fifty scientists shooting now.

'Your turn, Phoenix.' Tiger messages. Grabbing a grenade with her beak, Phoenix holds the bomb with her talons and pulls the trigger with her beak, then drops the bomb down below. It lands right next to a scientist's foot before exploding. Scientists fly everywhere, killing about two dozen. Imeddiately Phoenix drops two more grenades and watches as just about all the scentists explode.

Coming back to the house, tranforming into a human, and sitting on the couch, Phoenix smiles happily. It felt good killing evil men and women who only want to change human population and animal population.

Tiger sits down next to her, followed by Wolf. Rabbit was using the salmon berries I collected to make appetizers. Wolf turned on the TV and Phoenix rests her head on his muscled shoulder, feeling happy and exhausted from all the flying.

When awakened by Wolf's movement, Phoenix finds a plate of salmon berries and buttered toast on her lap. Eating a berry and taking a huge bite of toast, Phoenix fills her small stomach then looks around for rabbit. She was not in the room.

'Rabbit?' Phoenix sends her, but her mind is closed.

Getting up, setting the plate on the couch, Phoenix goes to Rabbit's room and opens the door. She's crying.

Phoenix sits next to her feeling confused. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Leave me alone, Phoenix." Rabbit says.

Getting up to leave, Rabbit stops stops her, "I wish I could fly away from my problems."

Grabbing her hand and leading her out to the porch, she was glad to still have wings while in human form for this one moment.

"You don't need to ask me to fly. I would take you anywhere because you're my best friend." Phoenix smiles, tightening her grasp on Rabbit's hand.

"Thanks, Phoenix." Rabbit says before they are both plummeting down. Phoenix spreads her wings and suddenly they're both flying toward the sun.

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