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Phoenix wakes up early in the morning. She had flew Rabbit pretty much all over and the jelousy slowly melted off of her.

Leaving her warm blankets, Phoenix creeps down the hall to Tiger's room and opens his door. He was wide awake, doing some sort of yoga.

'What's up?' Tiger messages.

'I was wondering if you were up. Anyway, can you come with me to the AHSI? I would like to go kick some butt before anybody else wakes up.' She replies back into his quiet peaceful mind.

Tiger gets up slowly, ears pricked. He nods to me then he follows her out the front door. The AHSI wasn't too far from here considering we live in Washington D.C. We did move occasionaly, but by far this was the best place because the biggest branch of scientists worked here. Even though we could never actually get inside the white house, we watched from afar and waited for scientist scum to walk out emptying their trash or something.

"See you there." Phoenix says before transforming into her mythical form, flying high into the trees and flying like a torpedo toward the white house. Below her was Tiger, running through the forest every so often running through the sun, making his pelt look like fire.

After about an hour of flying, Phoenix catches sight of the white house and sits on a branch quietly. Tiger appears moments later.

'Wow, that was fast. I can already smell one coming.' Tiger messages. Phoenix keeps her hawk vision on the doors and suddenly three scienstists come out. That is a lot more than usuaul. Only one would come out, but three?

'We can take them.' Tiger assures as if reading her panic thoughts, which is almost possible.

She flys upward then nose dive down toward a scientist. At the last minute Phoenix rakes sharp talons across his bald head. The scientists cries out in pain as she flys back up into the sky, out of reach. Tiger is tackling a scientist and the last scientist withdraws a gun and shoots Tiger. Phoenix lets out a large phoenix screech and nose dives at the scientist and transforming into a human at the last second bringing a knife down on his neck shattering his spine. She then helps finish off the tackled scientist before looking at Tiger. There's a bullet wound in his shoulder.

"Ouch." Tiger muses, transforming into a human.

Without another delay, Phoenix grabs his hand and lifts him up into the sky, beating her large wings. She shouldn't have freaked out so bad because these types of wounds happened all the time, but the big problem was that they were right next to the white house and there was no way to hide the bodies fast enough.

Phoenix flaps her wings and heads toward their hideout as fast as she can. 'You will be fine.' She assures Tiger.

'Calm down, Phoenix. I'm not dieing.' Tiger muses back.

Once they're back at the house, Phoenix grabs tweezers and gauze, but Tiger does the work of getting the bullet out. Phoenix wraps it up gently.

"What happened?" Wolf asks, having stood at the hallway the entire time.

"Just a gun," Tiger says, "But, three scientists came out instead of just one."

"Say what?" Rabbit squeaks, pushing wolf out of the way.

"Somethings' up with the scientists", Phoenix says, "They're getting closer and more dangerous."

"But, we've killed these guys for years. Why are they just now starting to notice?" Rabbit asks appalled.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Tiger grunts.

"We better find out then." Wolf says.

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