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Now that you know me, I'm trusting you to keep us a secret. I hope you can do that because if this world knew I was a phoenix, which is the rarest bird ever, I would be killed or dissected, and the entire human population would be changed forever because of those evil scientists. Your choice. I can only trust few humans, and I've chosen you. Don't let my hopes down.


I have three good anthro friends. Care to know them?

Tiger- Big hulky male anthro. Half tiger, half human. Very ferocious. Never get in his way. As a human he has a big build and black eyes. His unequal genes make his tail, claws, and ears show in human form. There are stripes on his hard stomach.

Wolf- Male anthro. Half wolf half human. Cunning and very intelligent. Has a very sensitive hearing and sense of smell. An intelligent tracker and hunter. Unequal genes make his tail and wolf eyes show up on his human form.

Rabbit- female anthro. Quiet and shy, yet has the speed and agility of a cheetah. Very smart. She attacks by chomping down on a scientist's ear and ripping it off in a matter of seconds. Unequal genes make her bunny feet and tail show.

So, these are my friends. Tiger, Wolf, Rabbit, and I fight against the AHSI. We're very tough and haven't lost a fight yet. We're also searching for other anthros, but most of the others are evil and have been trained to kill me and my friends since they were born.


So far, we have only run into two gone bad anthros. Probably experiments gone bad by the looks of them.

Puma- Female anthro. Vicious and cunning. Unequal genes make her arms and legs covered in black fur. She assaulted Wolf a year ago, but lost the fight and retreated to her home, wherever it is.

Lion- male anthro. Huge anger management problem. Giant muscles and huge locks of gold hair. He looks more like your handsom knight in shining armor. Unequal genes make his mane and sharp canine teeth show. Very intelligent. Lacks in agility. Tried to kill Rabbit, but failed when she tore his ear off and he went running.

Now that you know my enemies and my friends, do you accept keeping me a secret?

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