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My name is Phoenix. I was not born this name, I was numbered this name like an experiment from the AHSI. I don't hate the name, I am more curious about it than ever. We, animals usually don't have names. We would just look at eachother and messages would flow through our brains. We're telepathic, so, who needs names anyway?

I never escaped the AHSI, I was freed. They had stuck a syringe needle into my arm and injected more than just enough to make me sleep for a week, they also planted a tracker, and I know this because other experiments like myself told me so. After I awoke, my head hurt and I was laying down like a human, in a human nest. Humans, everyone wearing the exact same thing were surrounding me.

"Are you all right, miss?" One human asked me.

I had merely blinked, trying to send a message to her stupid brain, but nothing clicked. I understood human speech, but could not use it on my non-verbal mouth.

When I was young, I only sang. Small songs like my mother would. We only used our beaks to eat and sing, never speak a language.

That was my second sighting of humans. After being sent from that place, I was put into another place, with only one human, and it taught me how to speak. It took four years. By then, I was seven, in human years.

The same human who taught me to speak, raised me. It was a female, and she was kind and patient. She fed me only fruits and veggies, never meat, because it was never in the fridge. After a week of feeding me fruits and veggies, I became ill, and my new mother could only watch me grow sicker and sicker. Finally, I curled into a ball and felt my heart collapse like a sand castle blowing away. Then, I could not breathe and suddenly I crumpled into dust.

An hour past. Suddenly I felt my self growing again, back to the age I was sick. Except, this time I grew into my animal form. Long, scarlet wings spread and my feathery body was aflame, but I didn't burn.

"An anthro phoenix." My new mother had said when I flew up and away, out the room window, never to return. I was headed back to my original home, the top of a volcano.

My dream was gone too soon, because once thirty minutes passed, I was captured with a net and I was taken by a male human who put me in a big sanctiuary full of other birds, who feared me, and always flew away from me. I was beginning to grow angry when I suddenly had fingers and toes again.

I fell from a tree, red faced and punched my human bones against the door. The male saw me and realized I didn't belong in there. He afterwards tried to raise me as his own. Years passed as I lived with the human and about every few months, in human speech, I would grow ill and die and then ressurect as a bird, a phoenix, but my cheerfulness would disappear once my wings did and a spine replaced it along with fingers, toes, and breasts. I was now fifteen, in human years.

I never went to school, but finally I did. My master or father human took me to a secretive school he had been reasearching about for years. It was a school, specifically for anthros like me. I went to that school for two years and befriend three other anthros who taught me how to fight and kill. They told me to use my new skills on the AHSI.

I was a fighter afterwards, thwarting the scientists at the government. Sometimes I would change into my fiery bird and rake knife sharp talons down their faces, or burn them to death. As a human I would personally assault them for my anthro friends.

Once I turned eighteen, my anthro friends and I left our human homes with our masters and lived in an abandoned house with food and clothing. At my age, I finally figured out how to form and unform. But, also my body changed as well. My bird genes and human genes didn't gk together well and I always had scarlet red hair and huge adult size phoenix wings that alwys burned aflame. Like all anthros, we can change to scare people or kill AHSI.

So, now you know my story. Care to read on?

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