{4} ~ Meeting the two bands, Cherry and Kit Kat Messing Around

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Today is my second day of school! I'm so excited. I got ready, grabbed my already packed bag and went straight into my mom's car.

While waiting in the car, I decided to put some music on when suddenly, I got a text from, "Liz Gillies" 

Liz Gillies: Hey! Selena got your number and gave it to me so.... great! Meet us back at the "hang out". We've got a little surprise for you!Come quick!:) Liz

How did Selena get my number? Whatever! Ok so then I'd better reply.

Me: Sure! Can't wait! :) Tori

I seriously love surprises! Especially ones from my new friends! WOO!

 When my mom dropped me off I started speed walking toward our mini "Hangout".

I was desperate to know what it was.

Once I got to the top of the tree house, I saw 9 boys along with my friends Selena, Ari, Liz and Dem.

"This is Big Time Rush!" Selena pointed to a band of 4.

"Im Kendall, this is James, thats Logan  and that is Carlos!" a guy with blonde like hair said.

"Hi! Im Tori." I said happily.

I mean yes! Finally I get to meet these people!

"Hey Tori! I'm  Harry, this is Liam, Louis ,Niall and Zayn. Nice to meet you." a curly haired boy with a British accent said.

"Nice to meet you too!" I exclaim.

I can't believe that we all fit in this tiny tree house. Wow.

After getting to know the two bands, we all went to our classes since the bell had rung.

Oh did I mention that we have an hour break before school starts.Yeah thats what we were doing in our free.

As I was walking to my next class, I saw 2 girls in front of the door to my class.

"Umm..Escuse me, can you please move I have to go into my class." I asked shyly since they looked tough.

"Yeah and then I heard that Demi fell in the swimming pool!Wasn't that funny or what?" One of the girls said to the other.

They were ignoring me.

"Excuse me, did you not hear me?" I say annoyed.

But no use. They were still ignoring me.

"Oh!! Yo must be the New Kid Here! Hey Victory!I'm Katy Perry but people usually call me Kat.This is Cher Lloyd but people call her Cherry." the black haired girl said.

"Its Victoria, but I prefer Tori.And please,move.I need to get to class." I say kind of angrily.

"Whatever Tori!" the brown haired one I mean Cherry said.


I walked pass the space they gave me to get to class.

Glad thats over. Well at least I thought until "Kat" tripped me as I entered the class.

Luckily, I didn't trip as she expected.

Prayers still working!!

Okay so as I went towards my desk, I saw Harry. He motioned me to sit next to him so I did.

"Hey Tori!How are you doing?" Harry whisper shouted.

"Great ,You?" I lied.

"Same. I hate English class though." he admitted.

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