{9} ~ Talent Show!THE RETURN OF BIG TIME RUSH.Sleepover!

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3 months later....

Today is the day of the Talent Show! OMG! Oh I guess I forgot to add this but I entered! AHHH!!!!

I got ready and went in my mom's car waiting for her to get in as she was still in the house looking for her car keys.

When I arrived, I thanked my mom and saw a big sign that said: "TALENT SHOW ROOM →" 

So I followed the arrow that lead me to a hall with a huge stage. I'm so nervous. What If I do bad? Humiliation.

Kendall from Big Time Rush's POV

"Ok guys. We all know that One Direction's new song, "Story Of My Life" is going to win for sure.Right?" I say.

"Right" they all answer.

"Well this just won't do, will it?" I said with a smirk.

So we all headed towards the list of people in the Talent Show.


Ryan T

Ryan R

Anna L

Victoria J


Big Time Rush

Amanda K

Ariana G


We will totally win this year!

Tori's POV

"What do you mean we're not on the list??!" Harry asked furiously.

"We sign up every year.I remember when we signed!This must be some misunderstanding." Zayn said.

"Yeah,I was there when they signed it! I signed it as well!" I state.

"Sorry.No One Direction on the list." the man with a black tuxedo and glasses said.

"Um...what about Victoria Justice?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Victoria J is on the list" The man said.

"Guys,Maybe I can win for you.Like If I win then One Direction wins?" I suggested.

"Yes!Your truly brilliant!" Louis complimented.

As I went backstage, I saw Big Time Rush laughing.

"Whats so funny?" I asked trying to join in.

"Nothing."Carlos said and started laughing again.


"Hey guess what? Since One Direction got cut out of the list some how, IM FILLING IN FOR THEM!" I happily say.

There faces turn from smiles to frowns.

"You can't you're not on the list." Logan says,

"Actually, I am.I signed but a few weeks ago." I tell them.

They just looked to the ground and walked away.

Something is very mysterious here.

Why were they laughing?Why were they frowning after I said the good news?This all doesn't make any sense.

My thoughts were interrupted by the audience cheering as someone went up.

I grew even more nervous when I was after the person who went up on stage.

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