{11} ~ Nightmares coming to life

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"What, mom what do you mean we're going back to Canada? You can't be serious! !??" I complain in shock.  Okay so yesterday was my 2nd best day ever and today is my worst day ever!!??

"Yes,we're leaving this week on Tuesday." My mom says.

"But thats like day after tomorrow!" I tried to keep calm but it wasn't working.

My mom ignored me and continued packing away clothes while I just sat there staring at the suit case.

I started mumbling something but couldn't understand myself what I said! (side bar)

I finally got up and decided to tell my friends tomorrow. 

I really don't want to ruin their Sunday Mornings.

So I just sat on my stair case looking at the ground,I felt tears in my eyes I mean like, Was I crying!!??

Its just not fair! My parents took me away from a place I loved and then they brought me here, and now I love it here! Now they're taking this away from me.


I kept thinking about it.

Monday (next day)

When I arrived at school, I went straight to the tree house and was nervous to speak.It was my last day.

"Tori!!!Hows It going? You look as if someone killed someone in front of you.Whats wrong?" Selena asked.

With a sigh I told her.

"I'm leaving to New York tomorrow. This is my last day here." I say trying to hold in my tears.

"What!!??!" Everyone in the tree house said at the same time.

Actually, it was funny when they all did that.

Sadly, I excused myself and went out for a walk.

I sat on the steps in front of the main entrance to the school with a dandelion in my hand. 

I thought that my prayers had worked. Why have they stopped?

I sat there for a pretty long time until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Its ok. We can fix this. Try to beg your parents and convince them that you love it here." said a familiar voice.

Wait, I recognized that voice, It was Harry.

"I can't I've tried so much. They say its their job that keeps moving back and forth.I can't fight with them, its hard." I tell him.

He just sighed and sat next to me.

I wonder If there is any way I can fix this.

Suddenly, the bell rung and It was time to head to our next class.

I got up  and said bye to Harry.

After that, I ran to my locker and grabbed some things I needed..(Not class stuff)

I had to some how get my parents to let me stay in this awesome school! 

But how.

As I was drifting deeper into my thoughts, I realized that I was late for class!

Quickly,I texted everyone that I was leaving. Better get it over with. Since my phone is off in class, I won't get any text messages until I turn my phone on.

I hurried past the stairs and made my way to my next class,Art.

Yeah art isn't really my thing so this is great...just great. *-*

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