{10} ~ Let It Snow!A day with the Gomez's.

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When I woke up, I realized that I was at Selena's. OMG yes! 

When I check outside the window, OMG it was snowing!!

I quickly jumped over Selena and she groaned? Did I step on her on accident? Whoops..

"Tori....Whats going on??" She asks and yawns.

"ITS SNOWING!!" I whisper shouted remembering her parents are sleeping.

"Oh yeah,The NYC girl's never seen snow huh?" She looked as If she was still asleep talking to me.

"I did too,Its happened like 5 or 6 times here from the last 3 months. I rarely see snow."I admit.

She gets up and says she's getting ready and tells me to wear something warm.

I listened to her advice and wore a heavy black jacket that was furry. Then I ran down stairs in the snow like crazy.Selena joined in but was laughing so hard at me.

"what?" I ask giggling.

"What are you wearing?Its only a little snow! Oh I see that girl who has never experienced snow!" She joked and laughed even harder. She was wearing a pink striped sweater and a rosy scarf along with a winter hat. (side bar)

Well there was a difference between our outfits!

Before we knew we had a snow ball fight.

I ended up winning! Haha

 "Girls!We are heading over to Ihop for breakfast today!Get in the car If you don't want frost bites!" Selena's mom said.

So we hurried towards the car and once we were in driving the radio turned on and "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus was on.

Me and Selena were lip singing and it was very funny.

Once we arrived at Ihop,we raced to the main entrance.

When we were seated, I ordered some pancakes and Selena did the same.

While waiting for out food to arrive, Selena and I chatted about school and we even played "deep dark secrets" which is basically when you tell the most deepest darkest secret that you have.

Selena said that one of hers was when her skirt was the wrong way on and some guy noticed and told her.

Mine was when I was back in New York, my friend was in the changing room trying something one and then when someone asked if the stall was empty I said yes but the stalls were curtains not like locks here in Canada so when she opened the door Taylor, luckily was wearing her clothes other wise....So then the women looked at me like I was crazy and I just ran away.

That lasted for a very short time though.

After we finished our breakfast, we created a "To-Do-List"


Build a snowman

Eat a huge scoop of ice cream then run outside in the snow for half an hour.

Drink Hot Chocolate


Do each others hair and makeup

Do a fashion show

Prank Calls

Watch a movie


And the list continues...

When we were almost done with everything, it was 6 pm and I had to go back home.

We said our good byes and my mom and I went straight into the car and turned on the heater.

Man today was fun!

Since my mom was too tired to cook, today we ordered Chinese food which I didn't know you could order.

Next, I went to sleep. Haha you were expecting something else cool happening but I guess I've had enough. I had the 2nd most best day ever!!

The next chapter is sad. Not telling you but it includes Taylor.

Im sad to even update the next chapter, its that sad! :(

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