Chapter 5

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Song of the chapter - 'Wiser' by Madilyn Bailey

'Turning pages, bruises fade and I made it through the deep,
I earned my stripes from battle cries this skin is thick.'

The doorbell rings, the abysmally cheerful chime out of place in a house where sorrow reigns, and I hear footsteps and a click. Van's voice carries into my room through the door, even though I can't comprehend the words.

Shrugging it off, I carefully turn my head up and stare at the ceiling, immaculately white and pristine. My thoughts drift into vagueness and, before I know it, my eyes shut but I can't sleep. The aching in my head makes sure of that.

The sound of footsteps nearing me wake me as I gingerly move my head to see Nat and Ros walk in and settle down by my side on the bed. I scoot over to my left, making space for them to sit and turn on my side, facing them.

"Thia and Lau ought to be here anytime soon," Ros says.

When I nod in response, Nat starts up.

"That's my phone," she smiles sheepishly as she fishes her phone from the back pocket of her jeans. She holds it up to her ear as she exits the room while Ros compliments the light blue and white theme of my room, which was Mom's room.

Minutes later, we're all sitting on my bed in a circle facing each other. I can't help feeling Lau's feeling a little pensive by the look of her. I look her in the eye and very lightly lift a brow. She nods her head almost imperceptibly.

"Val, how are you doing?" Ros asks me, prompting me to respond with an okay.

"Hey, what did he want to talk to you about earlier today?" Thia asks, probably a tad cautiously.

"Just a continuation of what happened in class today, that's all. No biggie," I say, a tinge of carelessness seeping into my voice.

"He had no right to say that, don't even dignify it with a second thought, Val," Lau snaps angrily.

"Chuck it, Lau," I respond in a voice that's barely audible even in the unnervingly silent yet charged room.

"Don't do that, Val, please," Thia whispers.

"Whatever, what's going on with you, Lauren?" I quickly change the topic.

Lau casts an understanding look at me. "We're definitely talking about this later, and I mean it, Val. As for what you asked, there's something I need to tell you all about," she pauses and takes a deep breath.

"Go on, Rennie," Ros prompts her.

"Will you still be my friends?" Lau asks nervously.

"Always," I say, clutching her hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Don't hate me for this but I discovered I'm a lesbian," she blurts out and then clamps her free hand over her mouth and looks at us with wide eyes.

Lauren's confession earns a gasp from Thia (followed by a "I knew it! You were totally checking out that girl Andrea in choir yesterday!") and wide eyed stares from Nat and Ros. Lauren glances fearfully at the latter two.

"That's a travesty, Lauren! You are an abomination and a threat to humanity. You are leaving us in two minutes or you're going to be thrown out. I'm giving you those two minutes in mourning for the amazing friend Straight Lauren was. Now get," Ros snarls at her and crosses her arms over her chest, impatiently tapping the floor.

"Rosaly, how dare you?" Thia growls.

"How dare she do what is right? Shush, Thia," Nat dismisses Thia's words with a wave of her hand.

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