Chapter 41

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Dedicated to RoseGoldHeart and AltoPentaholic, two of my favourite Pentaholic accounts on here! Check out their amazing work!

Song of the chapter- 'I'm in Love with a Monster', Fifth Harmony

'Did you know everybody loves a monster?
I'm in love with a monster'

"Valerie, get up right now!" a rather annoyed sounding voice slowly breaks into my subconscious as I begin to awake.

I open my eyes and survey the scene around me even though my body is begging to go back to sleep. Realizing where I am, I jolt awake to the realization that I fell asleep after performing and make to get up only to be held back by a heavy weight on my sore shoulder pinning me down.

"Yo, Josh, get up! Joshua!" I call out to the boy whose head is resting on my shoulder and whose jaw is hanging wide open.

He initially groans at having to get up but the second it seems to connect in his head, he bolts up to his feet, frantically rambling as he looks about himself in utter bedazzlement, "What'd I miss? What'd I miss?"

"Relax, there's like five minutes till the announcement of the results so I came to make sure you two were awake after you both instantly passed out. We came to celebrate with you but Stacie warned us specifically not to wake you up back then so here we are," I recognize the voice to be that of Lauren's as I massage my sore shoulder and adjust my top before standing up and stretching my arms.

"Let's go then!" Josh quickly pulls on his shoes and begins to run, only to trip over thin air in a matter of seconds and kiss the floor, further messing up his hair that's already resembling a chicken coop.

Lauren bursts out laughing as she yells after him as he continues to crawl forward, "Joshua, you're going the wrong way!"

He huffs and climbs back up to his feet as he reverses his direction. He's marching in such a determined manner that I attempt to stifle my laughter at the fact that his shoes are on so weirdly that I can't even describe how iffy they are. Muffled giggles that are just perceptible make me  look at Lauren, who's laughing so much that tears are streaming down her face.

"Hey, Joshua?" her words cause him to pause, as if asking her what she means to say.

"You were actually going the right way before."

He huffs again and twirls around with an irritated expression glued onto his face. Unfortunately for him, he trips again over his loose and severely tangled shoelaces, getting intimate once again with the spotted tiles on the floor and just barely managing to shield his jaw by landing his hand under it.

No matter how much I'm trying not to laugh at him, I can't help the laughter that's escaping my mouth in hordes. Any amount of grogginess that overwhelmed me before has dissipated into the air, as I'm pretty sure the case is with him too.

"Laura!" he screams.

"Lauren!" she corrects him only to earn a well-earned death stare from a person who seems like he can't even harm an ant.

"Do you think you're the bad wolf or something? That's scaring no one. I don't think that'd scare even Violet or Tracie," she quips, clearly seeming to enjoy playing with him.

"The big bad wolf came and he huffed and he huffed and he tripped over his own shoelaces!" I sing playfully, causing Lauren to become red from laughing as much as she is and she clutches the side of her stomach as she howls with laughter and I mock howl at Josh.

"Not funny, Valerie!" he snorts.

"Awooooooo!" Lauren and I howl again.

"You're a monster, Erie," he retaliates.

"Don't you know that everybody loves a monster, Joshua?" Lauren wiggles her eyebrows at him.

"Oh, Josh, come on," I tell him through my laughter and offer him my hand.

After skeptically scrutinizing my palm for a few seconds, he sits up and lifts his hand to take mine, blissfully unaware of the monstrosity that is his hair. Through the side of my eye, I see Lauren preparing to swat away my hand as Josh is beginning to hoist himself up and take my hand. Not wanting to have Josh be any more groggy than he already is, I kick her calf to divert her attention, resulting in a shrill "No, that was the perfect chance!" from her, and successfully pull Josh up to his feet.

Minutes later, Lauren is still sulking as she sticks her tongue out at me from the audience, Cynthia smacking her shoulder whilst laughing at her antics. Shaking my head in amusement at the two, I let a small smile pull up the corners of my lips as I turn to Josh to reassure him. His hands are shaking ever so slightly in mine as I squeeze his palm reassuringly. After getting cleaned up (and wiping all the drool off his cheek), he seems so much more presentable despite the clear indications of him being a nervous wreck at the moment.

"This is it, our final six will be narrowed down to the final four in just a few minutes. One of the three pairs that performed today is completely safe and two of the other four will be eliminated tonight. Let's give a big round of applause to all the six talented contestants on stage!"

A colossal round of applause booms in the auditorium and the announcers wait for a good five minutes until the applause dies down before asking the judges which pair they think will be saved right now. Two of them directly point at us, one indicates the other pair, Kyah and Maddie, and the other one says she can't pick between us and them. Generica notably huffs, probably annoyed that none of them thought she could be safe.

"Here we are. Our remaining acts performed a song of their choosing today morning and had three hours to prepare to perform in pairs tonight. Kyah and Maddie, Jessica and Cormac and Valerie and Joshua gave their very best in what will be the last performance for two of them in this show. The pair safe and moving on to the final four are to be announced now."

A dramatic pause extends for atleast thirty seconds, in which I'm sure they'll add dramatic music when they air the show.

"Jessica and Cormac."

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Didn't expect that did ya? Also, Valerie and Lauren are an unstoppable force as one lol.

I hadn't named the other two so I couldn't resist naming them after RoseGoldHeart and AltoPentaholic ❤❤

I guess I'll be doing that for many characters ahead, naming them after my favourite Wattpad accs. Also, sorry for not updating in so long, my YouTube channel and college are taking up a whole lot of my time. Thank you for reading and hope you have a great time!

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