Chapter 6

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Song of the chapter- 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' by Iron and Wine

'Have I found you?
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding
Or lost you?'

"Why can't I ever get what I want?" Vanessa whines.

"Van, you know I'm trying my best to get you everything you need, please adjust until I get a permanent job," I tell her in a low voice.

"Mom never told us that! I want it, and I want it now!" she yells.

"Van, please, just a little more time," I plead.

She huffs and shakes her head before storming off to her room. I really wish I could get both of them everything they want but there's not much I can do now.

Grandma's health is slowly deteriorating and finding ways to earn is becoming tougher and tougher than ever. I really hope she doesn't get too sick because we just don't have the money for medicines and treatments.

Of course, to any kid, their wants seem the most important. I have to come up with a way to pacify her soon. Thinking of suitable ways, I stuff the scarf Lauren left yesterday in my house into my bag and scarf down my breakfast.

Sighing, I set Van's breakfast on the table right above her house key, the chain dangling over, so she has to eat it before she leaves as the loaded plate is too heavy for her to lift.

"I love you!" I shout through her door and leave, pausing to drop off Violet at Stacie's. Vi and Katie have today off so Stacie's keeping an eye on them.

My thoughts of Van keep me occupied until I reach college. In fact, too occupied to notice the crowd gathered in front of the entrance. I do notice it though when a familiar voice yells something from its core.

I wade through the crowd to face a red-faced Lauren warily going backwards from an equally red-faced Cynthia. Cynthia is yelling what seems like insults at Lauren and, from the comments of the people in the crowd, has been for a while. I drag Cynthia back, her shouting all the way until we're away from the crowd and in the college and I stamp her foot.

"Cynthia, what do you think you're doing?" I ask, aghast at the words she spoke.

"I'm speaking the truth. Stop sticking up for that sapling and let's go our high way. She's just going to abandon us because she and Ros had a fallout," she spits sickeningly sweetly.

"Thia please. She needs us more than ever now. Let's-"

She cuts me off, "Val c'mon. You can't be defending her after what she spoke."

"What did she speak?" I ask.

"Why don't you ask her?" she points me out the door and walks away. Exasperated, I walk up to Lauren, the crowd still as thick but more away from her as she hurls rocks at a wall.

"Lauren, I-"

I'm cut off as I dodge a stone she throws at me. I rush to her side and hold her wrists so she can't throw anymore.

"Lauren, I know what she said hurts a lot but you're going to injure yourself this way,"

"I don't need your sympathy now. Go, go and live your amazing life with them," she shouts.


"No, go!" she shouts as she pushes me back and I land on the ground. She storms off campus in the direction of her house.

"You didn't hear what she said, did you now?" a girl whom I know from two classes asks me as she offers me a hand. I take her hand and rise, dusting myself off.

When I shake my head, she tells me of how Lauren bad-mouthed me for taking everyone's side but hers. She apparently even strung together several choice cuss words.

I nod and walk off to class, my head still on Lauren. Nothing I ever do seems enough for her. The day slowly trudges by as I am repeatedly reminded of the incident by all of the loathing and pitying looks thrown my way.

I basically run out after college, unable to bear the stares, ignoring someone's yells to wait up. Running up the stairs once I reach home, I quickly rush in and get changed before remembering to pick up Vi from Stacie's. Thanking Stacie and a cup of hot cardamom tea later, I reach our door only to see a familiar head of messy blonde hair resting against it, her hands covering her face.

"Lauren, move a bit," I tell her and she complies. After making sure Violet is safely settled in, I come out only to see that she's gone. Vanessa comes in and plops down on the couch next to Violet.

After asking the older to keep an eye on the younger, I go downstairs and out the main entrance and instantly spot her curled up next to the wall on the footpath.

Nearing her, I sit down next to her and pat her back, rubbing her shivering shoulders.

"You know, my apartment is a lot warmer. We could go inside or we could stay here all night long. Your choice," I say.

She lifts her head revealing red puffy eyes. She looks surprised by my presence and my words.

"I know what you said, if that's what you're thinking. But girl I love you. I'll forgive you if that's what you want. Come on in," I invite her in, draping a certain scarf around the nape of her neck.

"You'd forgive that?" she asks shakily.

"Anything for you," I tell her in a firm voice.

"How are you even real and what in the world did I ever do to deserve a friend like you?" she asks me.

"Hey, I'm just here for you no matter what. It did hurt me a little but I'll get over it. I'm always here for you," I tell her.

"Val, I've got something to tell you," she tells me, her tone quite serious.

I encourage her to continue, leading to her telling me the most shocking confession she's told me yet.

"I told Dad and Mom and they kicked me out."

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Did you expect that? I bet you di'int!

And yes, I ain't dead. College is killing me and I've been so emotionally unstable of late. Writing is the only thing keeping me sane, and this story has a special connection to my heart.

Valerie is the kind of person I always wished I had as a close friend. She's just wow (yup, I'm praising a character I wrote)

Also, I'm trying to come up with words rhyming with Valerie so help?

All I've got so far are:
Calorie (what?)
Gallery and Salary (suggested by tazell)

Thank chu for reading!

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