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(Phase-1, Book-1)

Some things are just meant to be; and then, there are the things that seem like you would be much better off without. However, no matter how vestigial the latter seem, they are essential to your very being and how you are. Every single moment makes a difference, only, it may not be so easily visible until quite a while later.

Every moment, every second has a role in shaping who you are, and no matter how embarrassing or horrid it feels, make sure you don't regret it. For only then have you lived.

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Hi there! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you enjoy this journey!

Let me tell you that this story is not aiming for being relatable or similarities to real life. This story will be extreme and unrealistic at places (and drama, drama), so don't constantly get on my back for it not being realistic. Sorry if I come off as rude but that's how it is. The characters are aiming for a tinge of realness but will be unrealistic at times.

Capiche? Good, let's move on to the story then!

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Tyler and the Valaholics: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now