Chapter 8

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Ash POV:
My throat was itching and felt like someone just set it on the moment I was sitting in the kitchen trying to stuff a sandwich done.brad wanted me to something cause he said I was getting pale.he was upstairs packing our bags.i told him to let me help but he said he didn't want me to strain my here I am forcing food down my throat.if your wondering where our dad is cause of course we have to sneak out the house.he is passed out on the couch drunk like usual.
Three minutes later brad is in the kitchen with two of my bags
"Where's your bags?"I ask looking at him confused.
"Most of my stuff is already over there."
"So that's where are on the weekends."
I always wondered where he would go cause he would leave Friday and come back Sunday .
"Yep,hows that black eye let me see."
He walks up to me and gets on his knee so he's my height.
"Why do you cover them .it looks like its swelling up."
I covered it with my hair so no one will see it and I always do that even if I don't have a bruise on my makes people not talk to me cause the think I'm a freak.
"Brad,are u going to make me go to school."
Brads POV:
I sigh in frustration this is the fifth time we've had this conversation. she's even snuck out of school a bunch of times and come home.
"I'm sorry ash you have to go."I say quietly
"Why!no one likes me there why do I have go!!! it's not fair brad please don't make me go please."
"I'm sorry ash you have now come on so we can go before he wakes up."i say quietly and stand up to grab her bags.
We get in the car and drive to Jess's house.

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