Tempest/chapter 2

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We get to tempest and I see a bunch of youtubers and stuff and I put my hair in a messy bun and start to get a feel for it an I see tanner looking at me and I freeze up then snap out of it..... I do one of the hardest tricks I know and do it perfectly.. Tanner says "y/n come try out the obstacle course" you say "fo sho" (you see one of the funk bros do it first then u go.... You finish with the fastest time and all the guys start to stare at you tanner runs to u and picks u up and he walks over by the foam pit for the thumbnail he jumps in and you both accidentally touch lips) tanner says "sorry y/n" you say "for what" he says "nevermind" (you pretend you didn't feel it) (you both get out of the foam pit and tanner looks where the entrance is to see a very very pretty girl coming in she winks at tanner....., you see that and go on the floor where stunts are done with out a tramp you do every stunt perfectly and then the girl gets in your way and says "back off tanner he's mine" (she slaps you and you get your stuff and you start to walk home you see a car driving right behind you, you never seen it before so you start to walk faster and faster someone gets out of the car and grabs you you scream and someone walks out and then they throw you on the ground) they ask "are you alright" (you give no response..... Your out cold because you hit your head they call 911 everyone at tempest hears a ambulance then tanner notices your not there) [AT HOSPITAL]  (your still out in a bed on a monitor about 2 days later you wake up and notice no one is there) you get up and fall on the floor) you scream  "I WANT TO LEAVE NOW" a nurse comes in and helps you up and says "y/n you can't leave yet tommorow hopefully you can if you can keep some food down" (the nurse leaves and tells everyone in the lobby your awake tanner goes in first) "y/n I'm so so so so so so sorry I didint pay attention to when you left" (you ignore him and start to break down then he leaves the funk bros come in and talk to you for like 5 minutes a few laughs were exchanged also about 4 weeks later you are fully recovered but you are still ignoring tanner you have school you are on the volleyball team now and you stopped riding your scooter) [AT SCHOOL] (you see tanner flirting with that girl from the tempest and it breaks you he sees you and looks down. The girl kisses his cheek then walks to class which is towards me she pushes me and tanner sees but dose nothing *yet* you push her back and everyone is like "ohhhhh shit" (you start to scream at her and say stuff like "sl*t your only using tanner because 1. He's basically famous 2. Your a bish 3. No one cares about you and last but not least 4.you don't love your boyfriend" (everyone stares and is like finally someone told her) (she takes a swing and you tackle her and you start hitting her then she gets a good hit on you and then 4 teachers come and separate us then we go to the principles office he explains "2 weeks suspension both of you goodbye" (I walk home and go to the kitchen and eat an put netfix on)
T:I'm sorry y/n she was terrible to you we weren't even dating
Y/n: can you come to my house I'm lonley
T:of course
Y/n: ❤️
End of text
(There's a knock on your door and you go get it and you "forgot" you were wearing booty shorts and a crop top but tanner didint notice) you both sat on the couch and looked at eachother and said "collab video?" You both smile, t or d video you both post something on Twitter and Instagram he made me put on his sweater cuz just cuz ;) you start the video as
Y/n:welcome back babes meet my new boyfriend"
T:hey guyz subscribe to my channel link in description
Y/n: he's not my boyfriend *whispers yet*
T: you guys sent some dares and truths to me and some to y/n 
(You both go through some crazy ones and finally get to the most........ Awkward one
Someone's video:I dare tanner to kiss y/n
(You both stare at eachother he kisses you on the cheek)
Y/n: ok thanks for watching click that like button and subscribe
T:go watch my video that we also filmed bye
End of y/n start of tanners question and answer
You guys do some questions and then get to one of them that says "are you two dating yet like hurry up everyone is shipping you two"
T:no she doesn't like me like that guys sorry......
Y/n: he's a liar guys I do like him like that... I'm wearing his hoodie for a reason well he forced me to...
T:bye guys go subscribe to this little cutie right here like and subscribe to me, if I get 900,000 likes I will ask her out.
End of tanners video.

Tanner fox is mine?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat