You Changed/sexual chapter sorry 😂

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You are at your house playing call of duty, tanner face times you an says "I'm coming over" he hangs up 5 minutes later a knock on your door you go and answer and tanner picks you up and starts to (SEXUAL PART)make out with you,he caries you all the way upstairs and he bites your neck and you moan his name an you guys continue to kiss he takes your shirt off then you take his off you say "t-tanner " you said it very silently so he didn't hear you he takes off his pants and yours also you say "wait stop" you try to push him away and he holds you down and sticks a needle in you, you would remember everything but you wouldn't be able to move...... As he did what he did you moaned super loud and he went faster and faster you started to cry you hear a knock at the door and your window was open you scream super loud and moan at the same time and cry... Tanner finishes quickly and puts you back together (END OF SEXUAL)just before he could sneak out Brian saw him and hit him in the face an he left you could barley move brian asked "hey beautiful what's wrong" you tell him what happened Brian says "Awww I'm sorry" after about 2 an a half hours you could move Brian is gone and you call tanner an say "get ur ass over here" he comes and you guys go for round 2 you were just like oh well so much for saving your self tanner says "will you be my girlfriend again" you say "yes but I have to sleep with Brian first...." He says "as much as I don't like that but ok only one time" you text Brian and say "can we talk can you come over in 10 minutes" he says "of course" you kiss tanner bye but you will see each other after yeah.... Brian is finally there you guys talk then you sit in his lap you rest your head on his shoulder and he accidentally kisses your neck softly you moan an laugh you both look at each other then bam you too kiss blah blah blah Brian says "are you sure you want this after today" you say "yes" he dose what he dose an he's wayyyyyyyyy better than tanner you moan his name super super loud an he says he's going to Ejaculate (yes I know gross for my younger readers but reproduction u know) you say "it's ok I've been on the pill for almost a year" he says "ok" he dose so and you moan super super loud.. About 3 hours later your asleep and Brian leaves he leaves a note saying "I hope we can just be friends or friends with benefits, when ever you need that you can call me" you hear a smash down stairs and run down the stairs you see tanner and say "you scared me" he tackles you to the floor an says "round 4" you say "I'm not moving I'm tired" he picks you up an takes you to your room and throws you on the bed blah blah blah best intercourse so far... (1 month later) you take a pregnancy test and it is negative (not pregnant) your like I knew it you an tanner do it like every single day an u an Brian like every month so far... You go the the kitchen an make a sandwich you make a YouTube video on the trampoline (learning to do a back flip) tanner teaches you an you kick him in the face an u laugh and he tickles you a lot you edit the videos and upload  it tanner said he had another friend named tanner an he's gonna come over ( tanner braungardt) tanner B you are outside on tanners shoulders and he gets you off his shoulders and runs over to tanner b ,tanner b says "hi I'm-" you cut him off "tanner braungardt I know I like your videos and I love rose she's so cute" tanner f looks at you and says "tanner this is my girlfriend y/n" he says "I know I stalk her YouTube videos your really good btw you should meet rose" you stare at tanner b like creeper "you say can we do a trampoline V.S video" he says "well of course" you say "let's do trampoline V.S condoms" you laugh he says "that's a good Idea oh and quentin is here with me too you widen your eyes he walks over and says "yes you can give me a hug" you run over and give him a hug then tanner b and you say "lets go to the store then the ppl at the store are gonna be like who's having a condom party"  you guys get the condoms and the guy that's checking us out says "aye wow get some bro" tanner b puts his arm around me and says "I know what can I say" you say "you can say that they aren't small enough" and the cashier and you laugh then he hits you like a sister type of way you drive back to your house and set up everything you all introduce your selves and open every single one once they are all open you jump first and you slip and almost fall off the trampoline but tanner b was there and you thanked him, you took off on of the condoms and then filled it with water and tried to put it on tanner f head but it back fires and gets all over you he says "Awww poor baby your all wet and lubed up" he laughs and you say "your gross" you punch him into your freezing cold pool and you run to Quentin and tanner b they laugh and help tanner f get you they grab you, you scream and laugh super hard then splash  your in the pool you get out and shiver the go get a towel and dry off in your room you see......


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