Chapter 73

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Lara's POV:

"Baby they're calling us are you done?" Jimin asked as I silently cried in the toilet

It's happening. I'm not ready. No I'm not. I don't want to go back.

"Lara baby" Jimin called making me cry harder, it was loud enough for him to hear

The door knob then rattled

"Lara, baby open the door" Jimin said

"N-no" I said crying harder

"Shit, baby please open the door you know I can't hear you cry. Please open the door" he asked

I then got up from the floor and unlocked the door and he got in hurriedly

"Why did you lock yourself here?? You know I get worried!" he said anxiously as he lifted me off the floor and landed me onto our bed

"I'm scared Jimin. I'm really scared. I don't wanna leave." I sobbed

"Lara, listen to me.
First of all, we have a promise, once you finish your education, I'll be waiting here.
Second of all, fuck them! I know how it feels, but you have me at the end of every day to call and tell me what happens and baby you have to be tough!
I know you're strong! Those people don't know you, they pick on you because they don't who you really are." he comforted

I then sat down on the bed

"I'm not leaving. I'm just gonna stay here and cuddle with you, everyday, every night until I die!" I said

Jimin laughed at me and said

"No matter how amazing that sounds and how much I would crave that to happen but including some other things that can be done in bed" he flirted then said

"But you have to leave, you know it." he told me the sad truth

"I know" I said with a sad expression

He then grabbed a huge bag from beside him and opened it

"What're you doing?" I asked

"You are only allowed to brush your hair with my brush from now on.
You can only sleep in my hoodies and clothes. You should even go out in them sometimes. Call me with this phone. I'll be refilling it with credits every month. You should wear my caps, beanies and necklaces." he said removing stuff from the bag showing me what he's talking about

"You should always have something related to me around you or with you. My presence should be there all the time! I will be always there with you. Where-ever you go Lara, I'm there. A part of me is there" he said

Tears gathered in my eyes ready to flow down creating a river of never ending sadness

"Jimin" I said

"Shush you'll make me cry" he said wiping the tears trying to escape from his eyes with his sleeve

"It's not fair! You made me cry!" I said yelling while crying

"I love you soo much you dork! How do you always know the right thing to do, the right thing to say? You always hit my weak spots how do you do that dammit how??
You mean person! Making me cry all the time!" I said as he wiped my tears with his fingers

"You should always have me around you too! I should always be watching too!" I said getting up and grabbing things from my bag making him laugh whilst crying

"You even have to brush your teeth with my brush! Even if it gives you diabetes dammit!" I threw it on the bed

He walked up to me and held my face with his little sweet hands and leaned in

He pressed his lips onto mine making my body go crazy

Every time he kisses me is like the first time he kisses me

So beautiful and filled with passion and love

We slowly disconnected our lips

"Let's join them?" Jimin suggested and I nodded my head

"Let's go" I said

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