Chapter 6 - Tongue.

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When Jungkook changed he showed Taehyung the outfit. His jaw dropped. It fitted Jungkook perfectly. For a second time Jungkook thanked him and bowed.

"So what do we want to do today?", Taehyung asked.

He actually didn't want to stay with Jungkook for the whole weekend, but he wanted to find out more about him.

Jungkook answered him shyly: "I would like to go to the amusement park." Taehyung nod his head.


Both of them sat down in the bus that drove them to the amusement park. They were both excited. Jungkook was constantly smiling. It kind of made Taehyung happy too.

He's cute when he's so happy.
Ugh, what am I thinking again?

The amusement park was very big. Taehyung had been there a couple of times, compared to Jungkook who had never been there before. The first thing Jungkook saw was the big old roller coaster which was very tall. Taehyung didn't like heights, he was actually very scared. They were going to try it anyway. Taehyung sighed, while Jungkook was jumping because of happiness. Against his own body, Taehyung tried not to laugh a bit because of Jungkook. But he couldn't help himself and bursted out laughing. His smile was bright and beautiful just like Jungkooks.

They tried a lot of Rollercoasters. Taehyung actually really liked to be with Jungkook. He was mysterious, but also cute and fluffy.

As they drove home again, Taehyung thought of all the times Jungkook smiled today. While thinking about it, he smirked a bit. He completely forgot about all the creepy moments.

When Taehyung opened the door to his house, they immediately went to his room. They both sat down on his bed, staring at each other.

"Thank you for today, Jungkook", Taehyung whispered in his ear. He didn't know why he whispered, he just did. Jungkook smiled bright at him.
Suddenly Taehyung hugged Jungkook. Again, he didn't really know why, but he needed it. Jungkook hugged him back.

"Ouch", Taehyung whispered to himself. "I think my wound on my neck is bleeding again."

What is that?

Taehyung felt something warm at his neck. It wasn't Jungkooks breathing. It was... Jungkooks tongue.

"Ju... Jungkook."

A few minutes ago Jungkook was still happy and normal, but again he became weird. Why was he licking Taehyungs neck?

Taehyung tried to push Jungkook away from his neck, but he wouldn't stop hugging him tightly.

"I love the taste of your blood type", Jungkook whispered.

It was because... Because Taehyungs neck was bleeding. Jungkook licked his blood.
Taehyung tried his best to push him away, but Jungkook only pushed against him harder too. His voice was almost gone. He couldn't make a sound. At the end Taehyungs arms got weak and he stopped fighting back.

"Come with me, Tae", Jungkook smirked and dragged Taehyung with him.

Jungkooks house was near Taehyungs, so he decided to drag Taehyung to his own home.
They went to Jungkooks dark room. He turned on the light, but the grey walls still made everything feel depressing and dark. Taehyung got pushed down on his bed by Jungkook.

'"You're mine now", Jungkook smirked.

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