Chapter 11 - Kiss.

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But why did Jungkook even hurt Taehyung so much, when he actually liked him? Well, he told himself that he couldn't fall in love, but on the inside he felt so happy when Taehyung was there. On the inside he knew that he was in love. But he had no chance. First he needed to tell himself that it was true - He is in love. Second problem was the worst - Taehyung probably hated him. How could he love Jungkook when he was so rude?

All these thoughts wouldn't get out of Jungkooks head.

After a few minutes just staring at the wall, while feeling Jungkooks warm breath at his neck, Taehyung grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away. Jungkook stared at him, until Taehyung turned around and got eye contact with him. His heart melted while staring into these beautiful eyes of Jungkook.

Suddenly Taehyung leaned in closer to Jungkook.

Um... What is he trying to do?

Jungkook thought. His eyes widened as Taehyungs closed. He came very close, almost too close. Looking at his face so near to Jungkooks was a dream. Such a beautiful human being Taehyung was.

Does he actually like me too?

While looking at Taehyungs tiny nose, Jungkook suddenly felt something. Something good. That 'something' were Taehyungs lips, that had crashed into Jungkooks. Slowly Jungkook closed his eyes too, while kissing his warm lips back. His hands automatically moved to Taehyungs neck. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach.

Suddenly Taehyung felt a pain in his bottom lip. It felt like a needle stitching trough his skin. What was happening? He slowly opened his right eye to realize that Jungkook had bit his lip. His canine teeth had accidentally made a wound. Jungkooks lips were bloody, but he was now trying to suck up the blood from Taehyungs lips. He hadn't noticed the fact that Taehyung was staring at him. Taehyung was scared, but in a weird way also attracted. He just stood there, not knowing what to do. In the end he just waited for it to end.

After a few seconds, Jungkook slowly moved away from Taehyung. He stood up from the bed as he smiled and sighed, still staring at Taehyung. Then he just went outside the room again, without saying anything.



He can't just go like that!

From happiness Taehyungs feelings went to anger. Jungkook didn't even say anything before he left.

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