A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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Heyyyyyy???? I'm super bored so I'm going to double update at like 2:45 in the morning!


Cammie POV

I woke up with Zach next to me. He was holding me and looked like he had been awake for a while. I looked over and the girls were gone. A worried look must have crossed my face because he kissed my forehead and said, "They left thirty minutes ago for breakfast. You should have heard the fit Bex threw after you fell asleep last night."

"Wait, they knew I left? Ugh, she's going to kill me," I added that last part under my breath.

He teased me and said,"BUSTED! Gallagher Girl, is there by chance a boy that's having a bad influence on you?"

"Yes there is, you caught me! I think I'm in love with him too."

"That won't do, I guess I'm going to have to change your mind," he said as a devilish grin crossed his face.

"That will never happen," I joked

"Oh ya? I bet I can make you love me more," he smiled moved his hand to the back of my neck and kissed me as if he were hungrier than ever. We stayed like that for a long time making out in the place I feel safest, our limbs tangled and our hair messed up. That's when we were caught.

"Mace, I don't think boys are allowed in this area of the school, do you," Bex and Macey stood in the hall way glaring at us.

"No, Bex they're not. I also don't think they're supposed to be in a girls room making out with the daughter of the headmistress."

I rolled away from Zach, only to stand up right next to him again.

"In our defense...ya, I have nothing. Please don't tell my mom," I begged. Zach pulled me to him and said, "See nothings happening, we can stand next to each other without kissing, for now," I knew he added that last part hoping she wouldn't hear.

"Get a room," Bex said and Zach looked at me and smiled.

"Ya Gallagher Girl, that's a good idea. We should think about that"

"Men..." I whispered under my breath

"Until then," she went on louder than before, "try to refrain from making out in the room that I sleep in. Do it in that secret passage way y'all love so much."

Zach laughed inside and I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Oh and Cam, your mom wants to talk to y'all. I think it has something to do with when her and Joe leave."


On our way down stairs we made a promise not a say a thing about the engagement. We walked into my mothers office and the door shut behind us. Joe stood behind Zach and I with a smirk on his face. Mom was on the couch smiling and said in a singsong voice, "I told you we would talk about this later."

I looked at Joe and said, "You know it seem like every time I come in here your here to shut the door behind me, should I start expecting that?"

He laughed and said, "Lets just wait and see."

Zach was at his protective stance next to me, so I touched his arm and made him relax a little.

"Kiddo, what's going on between y'all, are you guys breaking up, are y'all doing it, are you pregnant? Sweetie, I need to know, I cant go on a honeymoon thinking your going through a break up, or having a baby. Why were you late to the reception yesterday? I'm not upset because it was a wedding or something I'm just worried. Tell us the truth why you were late...all of it."

"Mom, its nothing. Zach and I were just talking then I needed to run to the restroom and he came with me. Before you ask we were not making out in there...the whole time.

"Then why was your makeup so terrible?" She was so interrogating me. I glared at Zach and he mouthed 'what do I know about make-up?'

"I may have been crying a little bit," I said

My mom looked at Zach and I added , "They were happy tears."

Joe stepped forward and said, "Did he get you pregnant?"

"NO NO NO NO NO AND NO! I'm not pregnant and we aren't having sex! Zach why don't we just tell them?"

"I've wanted to tell them for a while," he stated. I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead.

"You can tell Bex, Liz, and Mace to come out from hiding now, they're going to want to hear this from us." They all came out of the bathroom smiling.

"Y'all should really stop whispering in the same room as me," I said

"Well, you guys need to stop making out in our bedroom," she teased

That's when I heard my mom say, "Y'all were making out in her room?!"

"Okay, I'm changing the subject now. Zach and I are engaged!"

"Finally! I thought we were going to have to pry it out of you kiddo!"

I glanced at Zach who was chuckling, "What are you laughing at?"

"Gallagher Girl, you forget you live in a house of spies."

Joe chimed in, "Plus your fiancé here can't keep a secret, he told me yesterday."

I smacked Zach on the back of his head, then I regretted it because he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I really didn't mind being in this position because I got a really good look at his butt (which is extremely sexy) and he was holding me. I flipped myself around so I was going piggy back style with my head resting on his shoulders, and I was content to just sit with him.

"So Mrs. Mor- I mean Mrs. Solomon I was wondering if I could make out with your daughter now."

"Zach," I gasped then flicked his forehead. He was smiling his devilish smile and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Miss. Morgan, who know your marrying a complete idiot, right?" I knew Joe was kidding so I played along.

"I know I could do so much better couldn't I? Well he begged and begged so I figure why not, he's got good hair." We all laughed, well everyone except Zach.

"Since y'all finally got her to talk, I think we are going to go on a picnic," Zach mentioned. My mom handed him a blanket and a basket which he took in one hand then he picked me up like a princess and carried me off.

From behind I heard Joe yell, "SHOW-OFF!" We both laughed until we cried.


Once outside Zach unrolled the blanket and set me down on it. The chef had packed our picnic so knowing me he packed a crème brule with a bunch of my other favorites. I was pretty sure Zach wasn't going to eat a bunch because he was going to spend all his time trying to kiss me. We were laying back on the blanket looking at the sky, correction I was looking at the sky and he was looking at me. I turned to face him and he smiled and said, "You know your beautiful, right?"

" Zach, you don't have to say that, just come here-" I pulled on his shirt collar and kissed him. Like always I gave him room to pull away, but like always he pushed into me. I wrapped my leg around him so he would come and stay close.

"Gallagher Girl. Play. Nice. They. Are. Watching." he said in-between kisses.

"I. Don't. Care." I breathed. He laughed then pulled me even closer.

I ended up falling asleep in his arms again knowing I couldn't be any happier.


Keep Calm And Be Awsm

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