A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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...... I'm bored!


Cammie POV

.That night Zach and I laid in bed just enjoying each others company. I had my arms around him with my head leaning on his chest as he leaned up against the head board of the bed. When I looked up at him, he seemed the happiest I had ever seen.

"I love you Blackthorn Boy," I said with a smirk that only he could teach me.

"I love you more than anything and will through good times and bad forever more."

When he said this I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes so I pushed my head into his stomach and said, "Do you love me enough to let me go on the mission?" I said surprising him at the change in topic. I knew that he was against it, but did he really think he could stop me?

"Cameron Anne Goode, we both know that you are in no shape to go save the world."

"But Zachy! I'm going and I'm going to do with this baby," I said in my most whiny voice.

"These babies are what WE need to take care of. Reilly Beth and Lexi Jayne are our responsibilities. If I lost you I would loose all three of you. Then I would die, you are my existence."

At this I started crying then through the tears said, "I'm still going, but I'll be extra careful."

He started kissing the base of my neck and gently sucking my skin. "What makes you think you can make that call. We could always make a deal. Or I could tie you up in a concrete bunker under water in the pacific ocean, unconscious," he said as his kisses moved up to my ear then made their way down my cheek bone. He stopped moving locations when he was right out of reach of my lips.

"Zach... why cant you ever play by the rules," I whined then let out a slight moan on accident. Zach just smirked and quickly moved to my lips. He was kissing me passionately and then he slowly let his tongue slid on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. When I let him in he explored my mouth and rotated so that I was under him. His hands were roaming my body making my heart rate increase.

"Zach. I'm. Tired. Of waiting. Lets. Elope." I said when ever I could.

His hands were wrapped around my body and mine were in his hair. When he pulled back he said, "Are you sure?"

I could see the excitement in his eyes and I replied, "If they want a huge wedding we can do that later. I want you to be mine. Now."

Zach just grinned and leaned in to kiss me again. "Lets do it..."

When he said that I pulled him into a hug and held him there.


That night I met Zach down in the Grand Hall. We drove out of Gallagher and to the nearest chapel. Before I knew it I was starring into Zach's eyes saying the two words I had been waiting to say. "I do" and when he responded without hesitation with a "I do" he kissed me and we walked out as a married couple. As we walked through town hand in hand I looked at him and said, "Now that its official, I want to say my real vows." He looked curious so I grabbed both of his hands and turned so we were facing each other and said, "Zach, when we first met you saw me when no one else could. You had a smirk and protective walls up around you. Yet somehow you were the one to go for me. The first time we kissed, there was no way to explain it. It was the best thing I ever experienced, not because of the kiss but because of who kissed me. Over time you showed up at weird times in my life and managed to save me. I could tell both of us were letting down our walls. You cared for me and wanted to protect me more than anyone. You are the reason I'm alive, literally, you are my second half and you make me feel safe. I never was sure I wanted to fall in love because of my father, but with you there's no question and no amount of time will ever be enough to satisfy my need for you. You have loved me through the fire and the rain, and I will always love you no matter what happens in our lives, forever and always."

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