A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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~(^•^)~ hola senioritas and seniors


Cammie POV

I guess im not that good of a spy because I thought I was acting normal but Bex pulled me away from Zach and asked, "So, how was it?" She seemed like she was about to jump out of her skin in excitement.

"How was what," I answered innocently.

"Oh don't lie to me Cameron Ann Goode. I know you lost your virginity last night. Now answer the question before I drag Zach over her and have him tell me. How was it?"

"Wow, ok. Can we not talk about this now?" the boys were sitting in the lobby going over their plan, so that was perfect timing when Macey came over and said, "Oh no, your telling us. We just let our best friend make love to her fiancé who she's not even legally married to yet. You are so telling us."

"Fine but just for the record y'all aren't even engaged to your boyfriends and Zach and I waited longer. Ummm, well he was gentle and went slowly and I guess just tried to keep me from being scared-"

"Wait, you were scared and not sure?!" Bex said starting to get angry.

"No No No, I was totally sure but weren't y'all scared on your first time?"

"Never mind, we are so not done with this conversation. Lucky you, the boys are about to be done."


The rest of the day was a blur. It was the most BORING day I've ever had. We just did surveillance the whole entire day. I took a bathroom brake and when I way on my way down the stairs I got pulled into a closet. Someone had a hand over my mouth and when I went to throw him he countered my weight perfectly. With in the next six seconds I was pinned to the ground. This time I didn't try to get up because I was staring at Zach.

"Zach I have to get back..." I was whining but we both knew I would rather stay with him.

"No you could stay here, with me," then he started to slid down so he was just laying on top of me.

"Zach please don't try and seduce me, you will probably win because of last night and I really have to get back. And so do you!"

"Gallagher Girl you should know better than to encourage me." he dipped his head down and kissing me started to take off my clothes. Thirty minutes later I was getting dressed again and fixing my hair. I glared at Zach and he just laughed, "Twice in less than twenty four hours, wow I wish I would have convinced you later."

"Joe was right, I'm marrying an idiot."

"Well thank you." other than that I though my day was pretty boring.

We finished the surveillance and went back to the hotel tired as heck. Bex, Macey, Grant, and Preston were planning on going out to dinner with Zach and I, but that evening we decided to just order room service. Everyone came to our room, and let's just say Bex never let's you forget how insane she is. She looked at us in the middle of our meal and with a devilish grin said, "How 'bout we play a good game of truth or dare?"

"Do we have a choice," I asked groaned jokingly.

"Nooooooo," she said with a mimicking tone. We got out a bottle to see who would go first, and as I spun it I prayed that it wouldn't land on Bex. Of course with my luck it did and I knew what was coming.

"Ok Cammie, this is going to be really entertaining for us. So what will it be, Truth or Dare?"

I was sitting in Zach's lap so I'm sure the reason he laughed was because of how tense I became.

"What the heck, Dare." I said with a slight trace of regret in my voice.

"Ok, you have to only wear your sports bra and spanks/booty shorts for the rest of the night." I just looked at her when she said this, "Your being really nice today."

"I figured since we already gave you a hard time about losing your virginity then I would let you slide," she knew that I knew that this was the part that was supposed to make me feel uncomfortable. It did so I just laughed and said, "There's the Bex I know and love."

I walked into the bathroom to change and heard some laughter as I shut the door. Wow my friends are insane. When I was done I walked back out feeling very exposed but very grateful that I had a good body. I went over and sat back down I'm Zach's lap. When did he whispered in my ear, "You know Gallagher Girl, your amazingly beautiful."

I turned around to faced him a little better and nudged our noses together. We were both smiling and I forgot for a second that there were others in the room. Then I heard Bex clear her throat and I knew the moment was over. The rest of the night was good, and we entertained each other. Bex and Grant made out, as did Macey and Preston. When I went to bed that night Zach's arms were around me and my life was perfectly bliss for a few hours.


The next two days were the same mission wise. Zach and I actually slept the whole night, and it was a normal mission night. We both knew what was coming in the morning, and personally I was stoked. Our plan was set and we were ready for some action.

"Gallagher Girl, its time for you to GET UP," Zach was whisper yelling in my ear. He should really know better because he was the one who used to sneak up on me at the Academy. I shot up into a sitting position almost breaking his nose in the process.

We got ready and were down stairs in thirty-three minutes. We met the rest of the group there, and may I say we were going to blend in great. Half an hour later the boys were in their position and the girls and I were trailing him. He was a terrible spy, he didn't even see us coming. We trailed him for about three hours then he finally arrived at one of the places we had decided on. We took him down with a few punches and a nicotine patch. After we interrogated the liar/traitor a CIA team came for him. That's were we made the mistake. Zach had left me and him in the room together to talk to the team. He was tied up but I got to close and got a blow to the stomach. I no, real spy like. Well he knew were to hit and I ended up throwing up. The team took him away and since he wasn't as guilty as we thought he was we had another week and a half left to spend in Paris. We all decided to have dinner that night and we were making jokes about all of mistakes and I brought up how I threw up.

"Good thing it was the punch that made you throw up," Grant said with a smile, "for a second I thought you could be pregnant."

I knew he was joking but I looked at Bex and Macey and I gave them the look every girl knows but is never taught.



cliffhanger biotches, what I'm sorry you don't like them well news flash I DONT GIVE A FUCK!

Keep Calm And Love Peeta

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