A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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Cammie POV

When the elevator opened I saw we were back by the bookshelf. Everyone was in our living room eating nachos.

"Since when can you cook?!" I joked

Liz just smirked and said, "Just because I cant bake doesn't mean I cant use a microwave."

Bex and Macey looked bored so it made sense when Bex said, "Ok, we get it. We should have waited for Zach. Whatever. Can we pleeeeease play, NOW!?"

"Fine, but don't forget the rules. Also-" I stopped suddenly though. I heard a beeping and immediately knew what it was.

It was the sound our security makes when someone or something comes in, without permission. Still in shock I turned to Zach and snapped out of it.

"Zach, Grant, Preston I need y'all to guard the door and slowly make your way towards the front entrance looking for the intruder. Liz and Jonas go set up cameras, bugs, explosives, etc. Bex, Macey, and I are going to search th-"

"Gallagher Girl, no, your going to go find a safe spot. Also, I DON'T CARE how much you want to go."

"Zach, I'm a big girl. I'm going. NOW go do YOUR job and protect us while we go blow up some people."

I saw the hurt in his eyes but I had to protect my girls. He pulled me in and kissed me hard on the lips. I grabbed his shirt and held him a little closer and a little longer than I should have, given the situation. Right in the middle of our kiss the front doors burst open. Zach pulled away and pushed behind him so he was shielding me that much more. We couldn't see who busted in but when they did, I heard a curse word come out of Zach, in Farsi of course. When the people walked into the light they were laughing.

"Zach, honey. Your just like your father. Farsi is his favorite too you know?" said a familiar voice

"He does not sound like me at all! I prefer Russian. Its more, I don't know, scary."

With that I squealed and ran into Aunt Abby's arms.

"Squirt! Wow, I leave and when I come back your married and, when the hell did you get pregnant?!"

I looked at Zach and knew we could play a trick on her so I just answered, "Well, yes I married Zach, but when he went on a mission... I saw Josh. We, um...ya. Its okay now though, Zach and I decided to have the abortion tomorrow."


She stopped suddenly finally noticing we were all laughing our heads off.

"Cameron, I'm only going to ask nicely once. Explain to me, NOW, what is going on."

"Oh Abby, did you really think I would cheat on Zach? With JOSH no less?! Wow, anyways," I said glancing back at Zach who was smirking like always.

"Yes, Zach and I are married. The big weddings going to be after I have HIS baby. Then again, when I say that I mean 'babies'. Again, I mean not one, not two, but three little girls. Reilly Elizabeth, but we call her Reilly Beth. Alexis Jayne, but we call her Lexi Jayne. Lastly, Sara Grace, spelled with no 'H'."

"Wow Cam, okay. Do me a favor and explain to me when you gave up your virginity and how you got pregnant so quickly," Abby said with a raised eyebrow. I guess she was still a little in shock, so I used my inner Zach and said, "Why? Are you and Townsend trying or something?"

Abby blushed and then just started laughing like the rest of us. She then said 'hi' to everyone else and gave out fast hugs.

"So I take it your staying? Stay on our floor and you can see our house. Bex and Macey are making us, correction, making me and Liz play 'Strip Truth or Dare' with everyone else. If you two want to play go ahead."

We glanced over at Townsend who was having a conversation with Zach (thank god!) so I just waved her over to the elevator. I pressed the button and got inside. She was looking a little amazed and confused at the same time so I said, "The reason we got a mansion is because we all want to be safe. The best way for that is to live all together. I'm having triplets and Macey and Bex are both engaged and pregnant."Abby just nodded and started babbling about something. When I heard the ding of the door I stepped out into the living room and walked down the hallway. She looked at every room in awe.

"Abby, I'm gonna go put more clothes on. Meet me down stairs."



When I finally got down stairs everyone was sitting in a circle laughing, even Townsend.

"Wait, we have to play it with adults?" I said with a sigh

Abby just burst out laughing even more.

"What?!""Oh squirt, you do realize that you're an adult now, AND your pregnant, which by the way is more than I've ever been," Abby said with one last laugh

"Fine," I said throwing my hands up in exhaustion, "I'll play, but remember our rules!" I took the bottle in my hand and spun. Of course Bex had to ruin it and stop it from finishing.

"Cam, come on. I always spin first!" I had given up at this point so I just threw her the bottle and moved into Zach's lap. When she spun I could tell she had an idea. It would be the understatement of the century to say I was scared.

It finally slowed and landed on Abby. Bex of course had an evil grin and I was slightly enjoying this.

"Abby, Truth or Dare?" and I thought Bex's smile couldn't get any eviler, silly me!

"Baxter, do me a favor and hit me with your best, oh what the heck. Hit me with your best DARE," that's it! Abby's gonna die! Ill get the fire extinguisher!

Macey glanced at Townsend and said, "Hey, Townsend. I would be afraid."
"OH i don't know, maybe because 1) Bex usually does dares that include a partner. 2) you may be all alone for the rest of your life because Abby may never come back and 3) ITS BEX FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!," she was just smirking know that Townsend was realizing his predicament.

"Abby, I dare you to call Rachel and say that your taking Cammie to have an abortion and you cant tell her it's a dare until three minutes into the conversation.""You want ME to risk the wrath of Rachel, for a DARE?!"

"Ya, that's the 'Dare' in the game 'Strip Truth or Dare'"

"Had you said 'Solomon' I would have done it, but Rachel, heck no," she said as she pulled off her shirt to reveal a black lace bra. She spun the bottle and guess how lucky I am? Really NOT lucky, because it landed on me!

"Squirt," Abby said with a HUGE smirk on her face, "Truth, or Dare?""Umm," i said still thinking

"Dare you say? I think I heard 'Dare', what about you guys?"

Then came a bunch of ya's and yep's.

"Cam, I dare you to... let Zach have 7 minutes in heaven with you. Let him do what ever he wants to, BUT," this is what I get for thinking maybe this would be easy, UGH!

"We can walk in at any point in that seven minutes," Abby finished with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Fine, but one question."
"What did i do to make you hate me so much?" I said clearly a little embarrassed that someone was going to walk in on us.

"AWWW, Cam, I just enjoy being an evil aunt. Just go with your husband."

Zach got up and pulled me into one of the guest bedrooms.

Once inside he pushed me up against the door and crashed his lips to mine. He touched his tongue to my bottom lip asking for entrance. I smiled and kept him out, unfortunately that only made him press against me harder and he brought his hand to my neck bringing me even closer. I eventually gave up and let him in and I could practically feel him smirk. His tongue was exploring my mouth when I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried us over to the bed and laid me down. He started kissing my jaw and made his was down to my collar bone. He knew that's my sweet spot. I groaned and started grinding against him. He simply brought his hand to touch my waist. I brought his head back up to mine and started nibbling on his ear lobe. I heard him sigh and then I brought his lips back to mine. Right as he started grinding against me I heard the door slam open. Knowing what was going on I slowly rolled out from under Zach to smirk at our intruder. To my surprise it wasn't and of my roommates or any of Zach roommates. It wasn't even Townsend or Abby. It was worse, and worse in so many ways. My mom and step dad stood there with smirks on their faces.

"Wow, LOW BLOW ABBY!" I yelled. I could hear laughter in the background then I continued, "So, mom, Joe, come to join the party?""Actually Cam, yes we did. We heard that Abby and Townsend were here, and we don't want to be that couple," my mom stated with a small laugh

"Good, less of a chance I get chosen!"With that we all walked back out to our group. Abby was smirking while everyone else was laughing their heads off. The rest of the night we spent embarrassing each other. We did get some useful info though, like how Liz secretly wanted a baby, and so does Jonas. Ahhh, nerd love.

...time skip, 6 1/2 months ahead...

I'm eight months pregnant now and may I say I look like a freakin whale. I know that most pregnant women complain about being huge but I'm having triplets so they can go die in a hole. I know, I sound hormonal. Now a days a usually stayed in bed, well at least when Zach or somebody was home. When they would leave I would go work out. If I was lucky I would get a small 13 mile warm up. Being exactly half month away from your due date tends to be restraining. (I exactly two weeks month away today!)

"Cameron Anne Goode! What did I say about running? Your supposed to be getting rest!" I heard Bex's voice coming from the doorway.

"Rebecca! I see you work out all the time!""First off I'm having ONE baby girl not three, and secondly I'm me!"

"No, but I do have some good news. Macey and I are both stuck on bed rest too. We can all be whiny and hormonal together!"
"Yay! We're the birthing club! (IDK IF YOU GET IT, BUT I USED THE BREAKFAST CLUB THANG :))

"Come on Cam, lets go."We walked, well we waddled back up the stairs and went into the main living room. Macey was sitting on the couch reading her magazine when she grumbled and said, "I want this thing out of me NOW!"

"Macey, imagine how I feel. I've been pregnant with 3 girls for eight months and you have been pregnant for seven months with one girl.""Imagine how that lady with 19 kids feels. I pity that woman."

Bex and I started laughing at Macey's comment. When Liz walked in we immediately stopped. She looked scared, and more scared than when the circle attacked us.

"Liz, you have three seconds before I go off and start killing people. I have a list of people that could hurt all of us, and I will happily start at the top," Bex said with an icy voice. She was going into her motherly over protective face.

Liz just burst our crying and we all gathered around her.

"Lizzy, what's wrong?" I said carefully

"I...I'm..." them she just burst our crying even harder

"Liz, what's wrong? Breath," I said in a motherly tone. I guess I picked it up over the years and a lot more when I talked to my babies.

"I'm...I'm going... I'm gonna have a baby!"

"Wait! I thought you wanted one?" Macey asked

"I do, I do so badly. But what if he doesn't any more. We haven't been trying or anything, and... and what if he's made or upset?"Bex just smirked and said, "Well then I'll kill him. I promise he will be happy. Don't worry."

Liz smiled and gave us all hugs. That's when I added, "So, in a year we are going to have a bunch of mini us's running around? That's going to be fun."

"All I heard just now was blah, blah, blah, we are going to be living in hell," Bex said with a sigh

Just then Zach, Preston, Grant, and Jonas all walked in.

"How is my beautiful wife?" Zach asked with a smirk

"Oh, I'm great, except for the fact that I want these things out of me now!""Come on Gallagher Girl, lets go upstairs and I will make you your favorite TAZO tea and mint chocolate ice cream," he said. I just gave him a very thankful smile and got into the elevator. Once upstairs I went straight to our room and fell onto the bed. Before Zach could even come and give me my tea I was asleep.


Keep Calm And Dream About Sam Claflin

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