A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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I'm sooo boreeeeeddd!!!!!!


Cammie POV

When I woke up I was curled up in a ball against Zach. When I started to stretch out I found he was already awake. He smiled at me then kissed my forehead. We were bathed in the suns warmth and I was with my fiancé, it couldn't get much better than this. He was the first to speak.

"Cam, I was thinking we should go to town and hang out, then later grab a bite to eat since we only had a late breakfast. What do you think, you up for some tourist action?" I yawned and looked at him, "How long have you been awake? Jeez, a girl wakes up and is bombarded with a ton of questions. Is this how its going to be when we get married because if so I might reconsider."

He knew I was joking so that's why he answered, "No way are you getting out of this wedding! I need someone who can sneak past her roommates to come and see me!" By this time we were both laughing.

"WAIT! (I let out a giggle) is THE Zachery Goode asking me out on a date?"

"Why yes I do believe I am. Only if that's okay wish you, I would never want to intrude on your personal spac-" By this time he was leaning in to kiss me. I let him lean in almost all the way then at the last second I pushed into him. He bit my lip, and when I moaned he sent his tongue into dance with mine. I was surprised at how fast that had escalated, then I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I quickly rolled off of Zach and we stood up.

Bex stood there with her arms crossed tapping her foot. I glanced at Zach and said to Bex, "He started it!"

"I don't care who started it, I caught you guys making out, again!"

"Exactly how long have you been standing there again?" was my response and I knew she wanted to laugh but wouldn't.

"Since about the time you guy started French kissing.

I started blushing and I knew it. Curse my boy sensitive emotions!

"What do the two of you not get about the phrase 'Get a room'? I knew she wasn't really mad and was just pulling our leg.

"Bex, I would stop giving Zach ideas about getting a room. I would like to wait till the honey moon, maybe later."

I saw Zach's jaw drop to the floor, "Your going to make me wait that long?!" Bex and I couldn't help ourselves we both burst out laughing.

Bex came and sat on the blanket with us and asked, "How much food did you two actually eat last night before you started making out?" I blushed and Zach's arm went around my waist and pulled me into his lap. She pulled out some grapes and started popping them in her mouth. "So if you go to town I'm coming with you because I would hate for a eight year old to have to learn about the birds and the bees because of some idiots."

"Again I wouldn't mind," Zach chimed in. I hit the back of his head and replied, "If you want anything till the wedding then I would be careful." I was kidding but he didn't know that for about the first five seconds, his face was priceless. At first a had a smirk on my face but then Bex and burst out laughing again.


We were all getting ready for the trip to town, but apparently nothings changed because my roommates still take really long showers.

"Ya, I think I'll just go get ready at Zach's," I mentioned to them. Bex raised an eyebrow but didn't question me. I guess the whole engagement thing means its okay to shower at your fiancés place. They all stood there like they were afraid to let me go, but then they just decided to give me really scary advice and scare all the romance out of me.

"Cam, just remember two things; Secret passageways, and no babies." Bex looked so serious it scared me, and I think that's what she was going for.

"Cam if you lose your virginitybefore you get married I'm going to kill Zach," Macey stated.

Liz looked at me and said, "Just be yourself and make good choices." Then she smiled and gave me a hug.

"Well now that I'm officially scared I think I will be heading out." As I headed out I sang, "You got to love the room mates"


"Zach!" I yelled as I walked in. The shower was running so I added, "Zach, I'm here so come out with a towel on!"

I sat on his bed waiting and hoping he didn't take as long showers as Macey. In about five minutes he was back out, but he must have not heard me come in because me walked in with a towel around his neck and stark naked.

"Well, I knew you would see me sooner or later, I just never thought it would be sooner." We both started laughing hysterically. I couldn't help myself I looked him up and down, and when I realized he had seen me do it I blushed.

"Couldn't help yourself," he asked me, which made me blush even more. "What do you think, do I meet your standers?"

"I think that you should put clothes on before we do something stupid. Come on Zach, put some pants on. You should have heard the threats they put out before I came her. Mace threatened to kill you!"

"They wouldn't know unless you told them or you had a baby. Don't worry, Cammie come on."

"NOPE! You aren't getting anything." I threw him him boxers which he slipped on, then walked over to me and tried to kissed me.

"Zach, please play nice," and right as I said that his lips reached mine. Just like always we couldn't stop, but I didn't mind.

We ended rolling around and making out on his bed for like 20 minutes or until Bex walked in.

Considering the fact that I was in booty shorts and a sports bra, and he was only in boxers I knew she was going to assume the worst. I got off of him and put his clothes in the bathroom, then I pushed him in there and shut the door. I walked up to Bex who looked like she was going to kill someone and said to her, "Bex, we weren't going to do it. We just happen to be making out in very little clothing."

"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! Please just save it for the honey moon. You may not even be ready then."

"Fine, but please, please, please, don't tell my mom," I pleaded.

"Too late, I already know, and Bex didn't tell me," my mother said as came out from behind the corner.

"You know, why don't we talk about this...never?" I said as I started to shut the door in their faces."Goodbye now, I'm going to go and try to recover from the fact that my mother just caught me making out with my fiancé," I said sarcastically.

Zach walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. I groaned and walked over to hug him. I leaned my head on his chest and he put his chin on my head whispering, "She's not mad. She's just upset your growing up so fast. A few years ago you were just learning how to sneak out to go see Jimmy. Now five years later you have almost been killed multiple times, you have been tortured, and your getting married to the man of your dreams" He said knowing I would smile.

"We can not keep getting caught making out...and I don't think that means we need better hiding places. Why don't we just tone it down a little," I said looking up at him.

"You know I would do anything for you, but this may be a little harder." I laughed at his comment and pulled away.

"I'm going to go get a shower, okay? NO PEEKING!" I said with a stern look on my face. We both laughed then he pushed me towards the door saying, "Go, I would hate to be late for our date."

Lets just say I really love Zach.


Once I was ready Macey, Bex, Liz, Mom, Joe, Zach, and I made our way down to town. We split up and went to do our own things. From getting a ice-cream sundaes to looking in a clothing store, we were all over the place. I guess you can say it was the first real date me and Zach had ever had. Its kinda weird but I guess we were always into making sure nobody dies instead of writing love notes.

"You having fun Gallagher Girl?"

"Very much, Mr. Zachery Goode," I said with a smile. A concerned look crossed his face and he pulled me into the ally over by the gazebo. I started to protest but then I saw Bex hiding in the shadows.

"Bex, what's wrong?"

"Cam do you have your phone on you? The director of the CIA just called and they need a good team for a mission ASAP," she said with a really worried look.

"Who's on the team?" I squeezed Zach's hand even harder.

Bex smiled her evil smile, "I think your going to love this. In the field will be you, Macey, me of course and there was one more person. Maybe your mom, no that wasn't it... oh wait I remember it was Zach," she started chuckling, "You should have seen your faces!"

"Ugh, Bex who else is on the team?!"

"You never let me finish," she glanced at Zach, "Grant will be in the field and Jonas will be with Liz working coms and such."

"I bet you love that," I said with a smile.

"I do as a matter of fact. You and your boyfriend get to see each other all the time and we don't."

"Wait Bex, you and Grant aren't even together, right?" The look on her face was a look of I've been caught. I don't think she tried to hard to hide it but as if on cue Zach looked down at his phone right before it went off.

"Speak of the devil, what do you know its your boyfriend. Should I let you answer it?"

"What is that Liz...okay I'll be over in a minute," she said as if someone were actually calling her, then she ran off completely avoiding the whole conversation. when Zach hung up with Grant he looked at me and asked me one question, "You ready?"


Keep Calm And Eat Chips

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