A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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Cammie POV

Thank god boys don't understand girl language. They thought we were laughing but really we were having a conversation.

"CAMERON ANN MORGAN," Bex's laugh said, "is this possible?"

"Well you see, we have only done it a few times. Like less than five and we didn't think about it, and..." my laugh responded

Macey's laugh just said, "This is why we didn't want y'all having sex at all! We let our baby start to grow up and she gets pregnant!"

After the group was done laughing I punched Grant and let out a, "Heyyyyyy! That hurt!"

Later after dinner we played some more truth or dare and let me just say if Bex picks you, you better be careful. They left and went back to their room and I fell back on the bed. I started to fall asleep when Zach came and fell right next to me. I turned my head so I was looking at him, and he smirked at me.

"What?" I asked

"Oh I was just thinking that..."

"That what," I asked eagerly

His smirk got bigger and he said, "That your going to be an incredible hot pregnant woman." I could tell he was just setting me up. To be honest I was surprised he even realized the conversation the girls and I had had. Being the great spy I am I just said, "Pregnant! Since when did I become pregnant?"

"Oh come on Gallagher Girl, I saw how you girls were having one of those creepy sisters/best friend silent talks without even looking at each other. By the way you are so teaching me how to do that with the boys."

"Zach, I'm not pregnant-" That's when he rolled onto me and said, "So I can still do this?" he started kissing my neck and I responded with a groan and a, "Zach, I don't have any desire to BE pregnant so you should probably stop."

If you haven't guessed he didn't. He just tried to do me even more. I pulled his chin up and said, "I love you," then bringing back his catch line he had used on me I said, "Just so you know Blackthorn Boy, I'm going to kiss you now." I kissed him and that was supposed to be the end of it, but it wasn't.

In the middle of our little session Bex walked in.

"Hey, I forgot my-" she gave me a look, "wow, I have never none a couple that can have more sex in a week than you guys." she walked out the door and yelled, "BYE LOVEBIRDS"


The next day all the boys went to go do... wow, I have no clue what they do. Okay so they went and did boy stuff. Bex and Mace came over right after they left, and being good friends they brought a pregnancy test.

"Girls, if this is positive we are going to have an emergency wedding because I don't want to be fat on my big day." They laughed at my joke but it was forced.

"So Cam, you thought it was smart to have sex right after we realized you might be pregnant?" Bex was not happy so when she said that it was the question where you feel like an idiot.

"HE SEDUCED ME," I responded

With that I was sent to the bathroom to find out if I was a mother. After I was done we had to wait three minutes. I could have sworn it was three years, though. I looked down at it when I was done and smiled at the girls, "False alarm."

"Awww, I wanted to be a Godmother/Aunt," Macey sighed

"Wait three years and then maybe we will consider."

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