im sorry

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i've.. decided to discontinue this story. 

i just haven't been playing elsword in a long time. in fact, i haven't played since the beginning of the summer of 2016. i just lost my passion for this game. 

at first, i really loved it, because i finally had something to spend my time on. but after a while, it started to become more and more repetitive. level up, get your job advancement, level up, next job advancement, reach cap level, rinse and repeat. 

and, i just started to lose my passion. it felt more like a job. 'gotta get that job advancement before the next one comes out, etc' and i eventually became sick of it. 

i'm really sorry for those who were looking forward to the next update, but its not going to happen. i love the characters, but i don't want to write fanfiction of a fandom i'm not a part of anymore. 

but maybe, in the rare case, that i would swing back into the passion that i'd given up, i could continue to write this. so that's why i'm just discontinuing this and leaving it up. i'm going to mark this story completed for now, but who knows? i might return to it. 

thanks for sticking with me, pals. i love you all for letting this story reach to 2k, which i never thought would ever happen. thank you all for the support you guys have given me in the past, what? one and a half year? that's amazing. 

thank you all so much, and i love you. 

signing out, 


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