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So in the past year I was in a really bad friendship. I trusted this girl and she was a good least I thought so...she would hurt me emotionally she would make fun of me and I still trusted and forgave her every time. She made me feel stupid and useless she made it seam like it was my fault. She turned me against my friends convinced me that they were unhealthy for me. I stupidly believed her. Being friends with this girl broke me friend group into pieces.

This school year my best friend came back to the school. My best friends started to be friends with the girl. The girl hurt my best friend when she was draging her around by the arm. My best friend and I forgave the girl. The girl stopped being friends with me but I was still loyal to her I would have done anything for her. The girl told my darkest secret trying to get back at my best friend for hanging  out with me. I was mad but brushed it off as a big whatever. Today in school my best friend (who is the strongest person I know) was balling. It turns out the girl started to bully her. The girl was trying to punish us for being friends. I told some teachers but I don't think anything will happen only two or three of us are reporting the girl.

The girl also sexualy assaulted my best friend. The girl pinned my best friend down and started touching her boobs and stuff. My friend has finally reported her to a teacher after her mom read some text the girl sent her the girl was asking her to send picks of her boobs and threatening to tell everyone that she had hit on the girl and 'let' the girl mess with her boobs. Luckily my friend didn't do that.

If you know someone that does stuff like this or anything that makes you uncomfortable please I bagg of you tell teacher or adult tell a friend or the authoritys please do something do NOT stay quit it will only make the person feel stronger because they know or think no one is going to talk. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl or both or neither or in-between or whatever you identify as if someone does this please do somthing to STOP THE BULLYING to STOP THE ABUSE because you do NOT deserve it.

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