missing her

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Sitting in the dark

Thinking about their grandma

Sweet memories make them want to smile

From the center of their chest,

Radiating the joy from snuggles on the couch

And the same lovely lullaby every night

The same memories makes them want to sob

Feeling it from their entire body

Missing things they never thought they would

Missing resting in her bed, listening to her snores

Loud and always changing, keeping them awake through the night.

It is nights they miss her the most...

In their close to silent room..

Surrounded by an unbearably cold bed.

Or perhaps it's on rainy days

Remembering, when they used to make artwork

Or maybe, when she cooked dinner and they sat with her keeping her company

Watching and listening to the cook work

They missed sitting with her and discussing life

Watching random inspirational videos that she found

Getting updates on random people they've met

Most of all they missed her

They missed all of her

They missed her in every way they could and more

There isn't anything they wouldn't give to listen to her snors one last time.

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