to my best friend and brother

16 2 1

When my mom called you crazy

I almost slapped her

When she called you stupid

I wanted to tell her how much of a hypocrite she was

When she said she didn't trust you

I nearly snapped

She said you where just a hormonal teen

I was to honestly to shocked to react

She called you a it

I gritted my death so I wouldn't lash out

But then she went above and beyond

She said the words she can't take back

The ones that will make it so she doesn't know me

She said "at least she isn't my daughter"

This is where I need to make sure you know some stuff

That I find OH so important

You are NOT crazy for being who you are

You are smart enough to know who and what you are

Not only would I trust you with MY life

But I would trust you with the life of everyone I love

You are probably the least hormonal teen I know.

Especially for a boy.

As for your pronouns.

Know if it was anyone other then my mom,

I would have slapped her. Hard.

And I'm glad you arent her son

Because it means you're safe.

I need you to know,

That I'd hold the sky for you

Just to make sure that you'd be safe.

Not only would I die for you,

But I'd live for you,

You know that's not easy for me

But if it keeps you safe

I'd do anything and everything

I hope you know.



Hey peeps this one is to a nother brother figure who recently came out as trans and my mom didn't take it to well. Hence my last to poems. I hope y'all are safe and if you ever need to talk I'm all ears. Please comment and give feedback I don't care is it's good or mean :p. Bye!

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