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You ever try to steer clear of an individual to see if they'd pull through for you? Yeah, that's me currently. Mike hadn't even looked my way since this morning and I wanted to figure out why. I sat down in the desk next to him and cleared my throat. He looked up from his phone and a scowl formed on his face.

"Oh, it's you."  Mike said.

"Yeah it's me Mike." I mocked his tone of voice "My name is Elijah? You know your friend?"

"I know who you were, I don't know you now." Mike replied attention focused on his phone.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I ain't gotta explain shit to you, I just ain't messing with you.Not feeling you in general"  Mike said.

"Is it something I did?" I asked.

"Johnson, Martin you wanna teach? I'm sure you both know everything thing already" Mrs.Adams said sarcastically interrupting our conversation. She stood firmly in the front of the room with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Stop talking to me, I'm trying to pay attention" Mike whispered. He picked up his pen and began writing in his notebook. He passed me the notebook and nudged his head towards it.

"If you really wanna know, it's because you're not a good friend simple as that. My goldfish died yesterday but you wouldn't know that because you didn't check.but you probably wouldn't even care because it's not like you. A confused rainbow fish. You are a horrible person and quite frankly I think Devon is right about you being obsessed with me. I'm gonna need you to not talk to me , text me, look at me, breathe near me, or even exist. My fish's death made me realize you ain't shit and I kinda hate you. Kill yourself."

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled as I stood and threw the notebook at his face. All eyes were on me but I didn't care.

"Elijah that's unacceptable !" Mrs.Adams yelled.

"No, fuck you miss. Micheal you are full of shit! What's your issue? You gotta problem? wassup?" I asked pulling my pants up walking towards him.

Mike stood up slowly, confused. But he repeated my actions. Obviously as ready as I was.

"You talking real tough, you mad?" Mike said.

"BITCH I MIGHT BE !!" I yelled.

"So handle your business" Mike said.

We were chest to chest, face to face. I felt my face heating up. But I knew that fighting my friend would be a mistake so before I knew it my fist were balled and I had tears flowing down my face. My hand cocked back and I felt a little hand grabbing the back of my shirt. It was stormy.

"I got him Mrs.Adams" Stormy said pulling me.

"Get off me, I swear to god let me go" I said.

"No" Stormy replied. "Go now" she pointed the towards the door.

"UGH, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A GOLDFISH!!!!!"  I yelled pushing Mike.

"Not anymore" Mike said in a matter of fact tone.

"YOU NEVER FUCKING DID!!" I yelled throwing my hands up and walking out the classroom.

"the fuck was that about?" Stormy asked once we were outside the classroom.

"I don't know" I replied.

God I'm sorry, for my foolishness but this i told you this was going in the book because I was red in the face crying at this scenario. Lmfaooo.

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