Chapter 1

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This was written by the amazing @JoJoisawkward0706

I'm taking this story over, but this is one of the original chapters.

Hey, I'm Jamie and I've been bullied. Sadly if you are reading this you probably have too. So many of todays teens gave been bullied for various reasons, usually just to make the bully feel better. I've been bullied because I don't dress the same way everyone else does, because I'm not a size 2 or anything like that, and because 3 years ago my mom died. Anyone can act like they feel sorry for me because of that, but unless you lose a parent you can never imagine the emptyness and the sadness that comes with it. She was my best friend.

After she died I became a loner, I kept to the back of the class, never raised my hand for a question, and wore the baggiest clothes I could to hide my insecurities. Eventually the bullies got physical, people randomly beating me up and shoving me against lockers. It is the worst, to feel like no one cares, like everyone hated me. There was a time when I had friends but eventually they left me. Like everyone does. Apparently I was too sad for them, but it's okay I understand. I would leave myself if i could.

It got so bad that I started thinking about suicide. I thought about all of the stuff people have said to me over the years, how everything was true and that I should just rid the world of another loser. I thought that maybe if I died then i could see my mom, or maybe the people that bullied me wouldn't treat another person that way. No one deserves to get treated like i did. One day these thoughts, these stupid life-ruining thoughts, got really bad so I turned on the radio to try and block them out. The song I heard changed my life with just a few lines.

"I'm still standing here no I didn't disappear,

all the lights are on see I was never gone,

I let go of your hand to help you understand,

With you all along, oh I was never gone!"

I immediately started crying as I realized that there are at least a few people that would care if I died, and that even if I didn't live for them I should still live for my mom.

The next morning I got up early and went to church for the first time since my mom died. In the middle of service I went to the alter and asked God to forgive me.

I am very proud to say that I've been doing good, I've gotten a few new friends who actually care about me, and that when those thoughts start to creep up on me again I can finally get them to go away.

Most of all I want to thank Colton Dixon for writing and singing the song that changed my life.

I wish I could return the favor.

======A month earlier======

I woke up in a cold sweat after the usual nightmares came and looked at the clock on my nightstand. it was around six o'clock so I sighed and got up. Great another new day... (note the sarcasm)

I grabbed my favorite hoodie, a pair of jeans, a Pacman shirt, and my phone and went to take a shower. Once I went in the bathroom I put on Oh Calamity! by All Time Low and stepped in the shower letting the water soothe my mind.

I tapped my fingers against the counter while waiting for my poptart to get done.

"Jamie are you gonna cook one for me too?" my brother teased me. I scoffed. "Are you gonna turn into a rainbow owl and fly away in a storm of bubbles?" Connor shrugged and pretended to think it over. "Maybe if it'll get me food!" I laughed. "As much as I want to see that, you're getting to lazy for your own good, so no." he pouted and stormed off, hopefully he's going to make his own breakfast. 

Me and Connor live alone since Mom died. Our dad left when i was really young but that's okay I'm used to people leaving. The thing is that I can't be around guys that much now..... I have this fear that they're going to hurt me and leave. I guess I have a few problems.

Okay a lot of problems...

But most of them will go away after I graduate. I try to tell myself that it's only a few months until I can leave my personal hell. Speaking of my personal hell I'm here. Yay.

As usual as soon as I walked the insults started flying my way.

"Look it's the hermit!"

"Is it just me or is she getting really fat?"

"Ugh what is she wearing? It looks like she beat up a homeless man and took his clothes."

I sighed, at least they're getting more creative. Before it was just the usual "freak" or "she's so ugly" insults. Those get old kinda fast.

First class: English

This would be my favorite class if it weren't for Gabe. He is pretty much a caveman. Stupid but insanely strong, and has no morals. He's also the rich hotshot jock so everyone turns a blind eye when he does something to me. But the most annoying thing about him is that he's considered hot so he has this group of loud annoying girls following him everywhere he goes, including English class. Ugh.

Second class: Calculus

Of course the only smart jock is the most devious. That's definitely how it is with Chase. He's not as muscular as the other guys but he's the planner. He makes sure that no geek is left unharmed.

Third class: Physical Education

Not only is Gabe in this class but so is my ex Tru. Obviously my favorite class.  Back before my mom died I used to be popular so that's probably why everything's as bad as it is now.

He used to be really sweet to me but now he just ignores me. It's okay though I just do the same.

Fourth class: Spanish

In Spanish there's Andrew. He's probably the nicest of the group but only by comparison. He's still a jerk sometimes.


It's a giant ball of nope filled with stinky food, loud people, and loneliness. Or at least that's how it is for me, your lunch might not be thhat bad. For me though it's the one time that everyone who bullies me is in one room. Yeah as you can tell it's not fun.

Fifth class: Art

The only time that I can take a break throughout the day. No bullies, a nice teacher, and I can create something beautiful. Art is amazing. No sarcasm required.

Sixth class: Chemistry

Last class so of course it has the worst person. Addy McGregor. She is without a doubt the meanest, seemingly angelic, crafty, awful person in the world. She could murder someone in front of 5 cops and 2 judges and still get away with it.

So yep this is how my day goes. Hope yours is better.

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