Chapter 3

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This was written by the amazing @JoJoisawkward0706

I am taking over this story, but this is one of the original chapters.

28 days

I swear Mondays are literally the worst. I know everyone says that but for me it's true. Apparently since I had 1 to 2 days of peace (depending on if I happen to run into one of them during the weekend) then I have to be doubly punished. And that's been going on for two years.

I really need to stop thinking about this on the way to school, I mean all it does is stress me out.

I yawned and put my ear buds in, hoping to drown out my own thoughts. Usually I play cheesy 90s music to try and lift my spirits, and surprisingly it usually works. I am so thankful that no one from school walks the route that I usually take to school, considering how I belt out the lyrics to Wannabe and Toxic every chance I get.

I was doing just that when I got the feeling of being watched. I looked behind me and at first I didn't notice anyone, but then I saw someone sitting on a porch across the street watching me. I immediately stopped singing when I noticed who it was.


Why is he at that house? Did he move? Why was he watching me? All these questions swirled around in my head, all of them having no answers.

He waved a little once he knew that I saw him. I bit my lip and waved back. He usually completely ignores me, why is today different? All of the sudden the door behind him opens and all of my questions get answered. This is Addy's house.... The only reason he waved was to make sure that I saw them together. I know that he's a jerk and that I shouldn't care, but whenever I see him with someone else it hurts. It's not that I still love him, it's just that he broke up with me and now he's with her. Out of all the people in our school he had to choose her.

She noticed me and smirked as she pulled him down and kissed him. I bit my lip again and continued walking, not wanting to give her the satisfaction that she wants so desperately.

Girls like her usually just want people to notice them, I don't quite understand why considering that I just want everyone to leave me alone. I just don't get why she has to always have some adoring guy behind her.

After I made it to school I quickly got my books and went to class. Maybe today I can avoid them today. As soon as the thought crossed my mind I shook it off and sat down. I haven't been that lucky in a while so I doubt that my luck will change today.

Ms. Rea walked into the classroom and told everyone to sit down and shut up.

Just kidding she's a lot nicer than that, she's one of those teachers that seems like they're just a little bit older than everyone in our class. If you want to get into a discussion about The Walking Dead or The Hunger Games she's the person to talk to. I've mentioned before how this class would be my favorite if it weren't for Gabe, and that still stands.

"Okay class we have a busy day today but hopefully it'll be fun!" She smiled. Uh oh, usually when she says something like that it means....

"It's time for a group project!"

Ugh why now? I usually try to get away with doing them by myself but on the off chance that I can't everyone slacks off so I finish everything without help.

Some of the guys gave each other that one bro hug thing that guys do, while the girls smiled at each other and paired up.

"Hold on everyone don't pair off just yet! This time I get to pick the groups." Ms. Rea smiled and smirked when everyone groaned. "Any questions?"

Gabe raised his hand, "Yeah teach can I be in your group?" He winked and leaned back in his chair.

She walked over to him, "Sorry I prefer men not little boys." She replied as she pulled on the back of his chair a little, making it almost fall over. Everyone started laughing, Gabe frowned a little when he saw the small smile on my face.

Uh oh...

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