Chapter 8

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This was written by the amazing JoJoisawkward0706

I am taking over this story, but this is one of the original chapters.

17 days

As I walked into school my ears were met with the cacophony of sights and sounds that always accompany the hallways. Everyone was rushing around, trying to get to class early. A few people coughed. Great, now I have to worry about getting sick...

"Hey watch out!" A voice called out. Before I had time to react someone collided into me and sent us both sprawling to the floor. 

We both let out an "ow..." as we looked at each other. 

The girl had light brown hair and brown eyes that were looking pretty sheepish at the moment. Her makeup was done to perfection, a task that I hadn't yet mastered...

"Hehe sorry about that." She said as she helped me up. "I just switched schools and my dingus of a brother left early to pick up some girl so I had to basically run the whole way here and once you start you can't just stop, you know?" Her bubbly personality was enough to make me chuckle a little.

"It's fine, I have an older brother so I know how that is." I said, smiling a little. 

She smiled back. "I'm Kodah." 

"Like the little bear from that one Disney movie?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She giggled. "Yep but I came before the bear." She seemed harmless enough so I decided it couldn't hurt to at least give her my name, or at least do it before someone else gets to it first.

"My name's Jamie. If you want I can show you around before class." I said with a small smile.

"That'd be amazing!" Kodah squealed a little. "What class do you have first?" I asked.

She pulled out her schedule. "Umm English with Ms Rea." I smiled, "That's my first class too so we can walk together." I went to my locker and grabbed my books but when I did it slammed shut. 

"Oops sorry I didn't see you there!" Addy said with a smile faker then Nikki Minaj's butt. "It's almost like you're completely invisible!" Her group of wannabe's  laughed as if that was hilarious.

I sighed. "As absolutely riveting as this conversation is, I am sadly preoccupied at the moment so if you don't mind I'll take my leave." I grabbed Kodah's hand and quickly left before they took notice of her. 

"What was that all about?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Hmm? Oh I like to use big words and watch their brains try to process them." I explained with a smirk.

"Not that! Although that was pretty awesome...Why were they messing with you?"

I sighed, here it comes. "I'm not exactly the most popular person at all. Everyone needs someone to pick on and this school picked me." She got this sad look in her eyes. For some reason it reminded me of Andrew...

"Did they randomly start or did something happen?" She asked quietly.

I bit my lip. "I kinda don't want to talk about it just yet..." I unconsciously tugged at my sleeve. If I tell her she's either going to pity me, or start making fun of me just like everyone else. 

She blushed. "Oh yeah sorry, my brother always says that I'm too nosy for my own good." I smiled reassuringly. "It's fine." We walked into class and got settled in just before the bell rang. 


I sat at my usual table and waited for Andrew to show up like he's been doing for the past week. At first everything was awkward and quiet but after the first few days I got used to having someone around and we started talking more...It's nice to talk to someone instead of just keeping my thoughts in my head.

I did a quick scan of the cafeteria but if he was here I couldn't see him, so I sighed and got in line to get food. Hopefully he'll be there when I get back.

Just when I reached the lovely smelling pizza I saw a flash of blonde hair cut in front of me... Okay first she comes to my locker just to insult me, then the "queen" thought that she could get in the way of my food! No one get's in the way of me and food, Connor found that out the hard way when we were younger and he nearly lost a finger.

"Excuse me boobs for brains, I think you cut in line." I said as sweetly as I could. Hey I told you that I get defensive over food.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She said quickly. "I just thought that you couldn't possibly need any more food than you've had, I mean you're looking a little...round lately." She smirked and walked off with her food before I could retaliate.

Okay so maybe I'm not the thinnest person out there but I'm within my bmi and I thought that I've been looking pretty okay for a while. Still maybe I could do without a few pounds...Maybe I'll just get one piece of pizza...

I went through the line quickly and went back to our table but...he still wasn't there. He's old enough to take care of himself but I can't help being worried.

He'll be okay...right?

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