Chapter 7

17 2 0

This was written by the amazing JoJoisawkward0706

I am taking over this story, but this is one of he original chapters.

17 days

It's been a week since that day, the day that I got my first real friend. I had plenty of friends before, but once "I stopped being fun" they quickly dropped me and my social life quickly evaporated.

Nothing has happened with Gabe since then but he and his groupies keep giving me this they're planning something.

Who am I kidding, that sounds stupid...right?

Also ever since then my brother has been teasing me nonstop about Andrew...if he knew that he used to bully me he'd probably kill him, even if I explained that he stopped. Oh well at least I know that he loves me.

Anyways, today Andrew is coming to pick me up for school because apparently I'm literally a walking target. Oh well I heard that it's going to rain anyway.

"Connor have you seen my shoes?" I yelled down the hallway, while scrambling around trying to get ready on time.

He walked in as I was throwing my hair into a bun and help up said shoes. "You mean these?"

I smiled and grabbed them. "Thank you so much!"

He smirked and leaned against the wall. "Well we wouldn't want to make your boyfriend wait."

I sighed exasperated. "How many times do I have to tell you that he's just a friend before you'll believe me?"

"At least a few more." He said with a laugh. I swear he gets more annoying by the day... "Besides you haven't brought anyone over in over a year but he's been over twice this week. Do you really expect me to think that he's just your friend?"

I glared at him. "Maybe he's just really annoying and that's the only way that I can get rid of him." I suggested as I finished getting ready and ran downstairs.

He, being the annoying brother that he is, followed me. "Let us say a prayer for our brother in the friend zone." He said while bowing his head dramatically. He should really get into acting.... 

"If you say anything to him, I'll tell Carey that you've been stalking her instagram." Carey is his psycho ex...he went on one date with her and she told him what their kids were going to be named.

"Okay okay I'll back off!" He said, sounding scared.

I laughed a little. "That's what I thought!" I heard a car honking from outside. "Okay that's him I gotta go!"

"Tell your lover that I say hi!" He yelled as I was rushing out of the door

"Shut up Connor!" I yelled back before slamming the door shut and jumping into Andrew's car.

"Was that your brother?" He asked with an amused look as his face.

"Unfortunately yes...he says hi by the way." I put my seatbelt on and looked around. "Dude you need get a maid just for your car..."

There were McDonald's cups, bags of trash, empty bottles, I think I even saw a couple socks in the backseat...

"I'll clean it out eventually, I've just been busy!" He tried to defend himself but I shot him a look.

"How hard would it be to take out some of this trash while you fill up your gas tank?"

He coughed and quickly tried to change the subject.  "So have you told your brother about the people at school?"

I smiled dryly. "Are you serious? If I told him he'd have everyone either suspended or six feet under within the week."

"At least they'd leave you alone!"

"I'm a big girl Andrew I can take care of myself." I said looking out the window. I've done it for years so why should now be any different? I don't do well with accepting help from people when I can do it myself.

He sighed. "I just get worried sometimes...he might do something really bad next time."

"If he tries anything I have you with me." I shrug. "I think that I'll be okay."

"But what if I'm not there? You shouldn't get hurt over your pride."

I glared at him. "This isn't pride. It's the knowledge that if something happens to Gabe there will be someone else willing to do worse to me than he ever thought about. Not to mention all the hate I'd get from around the school."

"Oh..." He bit his lip as we pulled up to the school. "If he does anything though you better tell me, even if you don't want to tell Connor."

I sighed as I got out. "You know that you'd be the first person I'd tell."

"Good I better be." He says with a wink, finally getting away from all the heavy stuff and returning to his normal self. That's what I like about him, he knows when to be serious but most of the time he's a lot of fun. 

I got out, grabbing my bag and giving Andrew a small smile before making the death march up to my own personal hell.

He saved meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang