Chapter 2

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This was written by the amazing @JoJoisawkward0706 

I am taking over this story, but this is one of the original chapters

30 days

Do you ever have those days when you just sit in your room by yourself and listen to "emo" music? This is one of those days. Then again that's basically every Saturday for me. All I hear all day is Marianas Trench, All Time Low, and Panic! At The Disco.

Technically I'm supposed to be cleaning my room but I'm too busy fangirling over Josh Ramsay's voice. Seriously if my voice sounded like his I would never stop singing. Until you know I lose my voice or something like that...

"Jamie get your butt in here!" I sighed, I guess today isn't going to be my lazy day. I walked across the hall and poked my head through my brothers door. "Yes master?" I asked in an Igor voice. He laughed "can you go to the store? We're almost out of edible food..." I rolled my eyes. "Why can't you go?" He's always so lazy... "Because I'm the oldest and you know more about what we need than I do." Ugh that excuse again. "Well then just consider me your dietary expert." I said as sarcastically as I could. He laughed and handed me the keys to our car.

Ugh now I have to actually get dressed... Sorry but on most Saturdays I stay in pjs or comfy clothes. I quickly put on something cute and went out to the car. (I'll put something up on polyvore if y'all want)

At the store

It's so hard to shop for us, I mean Connor eats like a caveman and I hardly eat at all...I'm not starving myself or anything I just don't really have much of an appetite anymore. So I just grab whatever looks good, poptarts and cereal for breakfast, we're not usually home for lunch so I skip that, and stuff like frozen pizza and spaghetti for supper. Yeah we're pretty boring but at least it tastes good.

It was when I went to get some drinks that I saw them. Those jerks that make me regret going to school everyday. I sighed and looked for sunglasses in my purse. My only chance of getting by without them messing with me is that they might not notice me. I quickly walked by and got the soda but before I could leave the aisle they saw me.

"Hey boys look who it is! Why are you dressed up like that, slut? Nobody's going to date you!" Gabe spat out at me.

I sighed and tried to leave but when I did Andrew and Chase blocked the way. "Did I say you could leave?!" Gabe slammed his hand beside my head. "N-no" I said quietly. He leaned in closely "then why did you even try? Why do you ever try? No one likes you, it would be so much better for everyone if you just died." I stayed quiet as a tear made its way down my cheek. He laughed "aww did I hurt your feelings?" I kept quiet. "Answer me!" He yelled and slapped me. I nodded and felt a few more tears slip down my face. "Good." He pushed me to the ground and walked away. As I tried to get up I felt someone help me up. "Thank y-" I stopped short when I saw that it was Andrew, he looked at me and bit his lip. "I'm sorry." He said just before he disappeared. I looked after him, speechless. That was probably the first time any of them have acted human...

I got my cart and slowly walked to the checkout. The cashier looked at me "are you okay ma'am?" I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine." She looked unconvinced but didn't press me further. I smiled a little at her and got my bags.

As I got inside the car I sighed. Maybe he's right. Maybe I should just die. He was right about one thing, no one likes me. I rested my head on the steering wheel and cried. Why does it seem like they can ruin even the best day? I wish that the pain would just go away...


I pulled into the driveway and quickly got out. I just need to be alone. After I put the groceries away I went upstairs as fast as I could but apperently not fast enough. "Sis are you okay?" Connor asked from his room

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered as I closed my bedroom door and collapsed on the floor, crying as I thought about what happened.

"I'm fine"

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