Chapter 5

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This was written by the amazing JoJoisawkward0706 

I am taking over this story, but this is one of the original chapters.

24 days

Jamie's POV

"When the world gets too heavy put it on my back, I'll be your levy. You are taking me apart like bad glue on a get well card."

I sing quietly on the way to school. It hasn't exactly been a good week....

"It was always you falling for me, now there's always time, calling me. I'm the light blinking at the end of the road, blink back to let me know."

Apparently there's a new family in town so Gabe and his group of jerks recruited their kids and taught them exactly who deserves to be beaten and torn down day after day. Yep more people to look out for....I'm positively jumping for joy.

"I'm a fly that's trapped in a web but I'm thinking that my spider's dead. Lonely, lonely little life. I could kid myself into thinking that I'm fine."

Yesterday they slammed my locker door in my hand. Luckily they didn't break it but it still hurts like heck.

"It was always you falling for me, now there's always time, calling for me. I'm the light blinking at the end of the road, blink back to let me know.

Then on the way to lunch Stephanie (one of the new girls) decides to trip me which made me spill my lunch all over myself...

"That I'm skin and bone. Just a king and a rusty throne. The castle's under siege, but the sign outside says leave me alone!"

Ugh I'm almost there...I don't understand why the teachers don't do something about it. I mean there was one like 30 feet away from me and Stephanie but he just looked and turned away!

"It was always you falling for me, now there's always time, calling for me. I'm the light blinking at the end of the road, blink back to let me know...blink back to let me know."

After a couple of minutes I reached the building of chrushed dreams and lost potential aka my high school.

"Hey the freaks back! What's wrong Jamie? Yesterdays spaghetti bath got you a little down, or do you always look that ugly?" Stephanie called out while the other ninnyhammers laughed. *yes that's a real word :P*

I rolled my eyes. If they're going to insult me the should at least be more original.

"I don't know. Do you always look like Macaulay Culkin or are you trying to get over a drug addiction?" I swear I could actually see her trying to figure out who that was.

"Whatever b*tch, you better watch your back!" She finally said.

"Yeah I guess I better, with all those munchies you might just chew on anything in reach." I walked past them and quickly got the books out of my locker, trying to avoid getting my other hand smashed.


After lunch is gym which I'm SO excited for.

I bet you could feel the sarcasm rolling off of that sentence. Like I've said before gym is literally hell for me. And today we're swimming! Joy...if it was anywhere else I would be excited but here it's like half boys who can't keep their hands to themselves and half judgmental girls with big mouths. Like I'm pretty small but who wouldn't have a horrible body image after so many hateful comments? It gets to be too much...

I quickly pulled on the swimsuit that the school gives everyone and put a t-shirt on over it, trying to cover up as much as possible. I rushed out of the locker room and got to the pool before a lot of the other students did. Well thank God for that.

I laughed bitterly at that thought. Since when do I have something to thank God for? All he's done is take people away and make my life miserable. My parents, my friends, heck I'm surprised that Connor hasn't left me at some relatives house.

Most of the other students were wandering around and talking to each other so I just sat down at the poolside and put my legs in the water, enjoying the cool feeling of it against my skin. Apparently our teacher was running late or something...

I heard something behind me but before my mind could register what it was I felt a hand on my back and suddenly cold water was all around me. I tried to swim back up to the top of the pool but something held me back....

My t-shirt was caught in the filter.

I felt panic consume me as I tried to tug it out of the filter, but it stayed stuck. My lungs were losing air while I desperately tried to pull it over my head. Just when I thought that I couldn't hold my breath any longer someone suddenly tugged my shirt the rest of the way off and pulled me to the surface.

I coughed and took huge gulps of air before I looked up to thank the person that helped me...


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